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This manifesting timeframes chart is your gateway to inspiration and alignment, designed to help your higher self and spiritual guides reveal the most powerful times for setting intentions, exploring shadow work, or manifesting your dreams.


Think of it as a sacred tool that offers gentle prompts, opening doors to deeper wisdom. When you ask a question, trust what is shown and allow your intuition to flow freely. Together, the guidance of this chart and your own inner knowing create a harmonious path toward clarity and transformation.


This is a single page chart that has 4 layers of information that cover:

  1. Moon cycles
  2. Time frames
  3. Numbers
  4. Months
  5. Bonus coloured chart with outline of suggested use in instruction sheet


There are basic instructions  and example questions included on the chart. You can also access my website blogs, FB pendulum group and YouTube for further tutorials and information on pendulum dowsing and healing.

There is an Index chart included as a separate file and guides you to recognise other healing or information that may be required through other chart books available in my store.


- 2 x 1 page chart - same chart, 1 in BW, and 1 in colour
- 1 Index chart

- 2 pages of instructions
- Invitation to connect further with me

Manifesting Timeframes Pendulum Dowsing Chart

    • This picture is not included, it is purely aesthetic to advertise the chart within.
    • Charts are on a plain white background only.
    • 2 x 1 page of the SAME chart, one in BW, one in colour
    • 1 information sheet outlining helpful resources.
    • 2 pages of information for suggested usage.
    • Receive digitally through a download link that you receive through your email, this link is valid for 30 days.
    • Save .pdf file to your own computer.
    • Print via your own resources.
    • Best printed at 98% page view.