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Services (64)

  • Chakra & Energetic Cleanse

    This is a 60 min distance session with option to connect at end through video chat This is so much more than an unblock & balance of energies, of your chakras. This services looks at all of the energy pathways to understand the flow and connection of mind body and soul. It is holistic in its approach and depending on your intention it will impact in different ways, but always beneficially connecting you to better alignment and a higher vibration. This session looks at all time frames and how any cords, programs, emotions, energetic blocks and non-beneficial energies, dark consciousness or attachments that harvests your positive energy flow have carried over from your souls history and are negatively impacting on the communication and energy flow creating symptoms of illness that may be felt physically, mentally, emotionally or through relationships. This service is for those looking for - A clearer connection to their divine and psychic abilities, wanting to progress further, releasing the limitations to move you beyond the realm of 'logical' thinking and into that which is intuitively guided, ie: expanding consciousness - Clearing association to physical, mental or emotional illness and trauma that is not resolving through 'logical' pathways in the present, this releasing what ties you to it in your souls history - Releasing emotional suppression that can lead to depression, anxiety, fear, worry, obsessive and paranoia type behaviours I look forward to working with you to bring more light and clarity to your life. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me!

  • Pendulum Lightcode Activation

    Activating the divine & intuitive skills to work with pendulums & charts This session focuses on breaking down the resistance held through evolution that have shut down the communication pathways that allow you to excel and be a pure divine channel of light when using the pendulum. The skill of using a pendulum opens you to limitlessly reconnect into correcting the personal and shared network of energy that excels you into abundance, or holds you in poverty (mind, body or soul). Awakening through the light codes of this divine ability is an intuitive journey, it is one that opens you to recognise opportunity and at the same time, to avoid the pitfalls and toxic energy that is karmically triggering. With the pendulum you adapt and empower into rebirthing through time and space to correct the influences that have shut down other skills and abilities. That have locked you out of connection to soul family and positive energy streams of good luck, good fortune and brilliant health mentally, emotionally and physically. I recommend this session be REPEATED 4 TIMES with 3 MONTHS between activations for optimally peeling back the layers and ascending into pathways you cannot yet perceive or understand. Step by step, breath by breath the soul awakens, following the nudges and clues as they come forth. The ultimate vision is illuminated but the assertive action is what will get you there.

  • Source consciousness connection

    This is a true 'WOW' as it awakens you to access higher potential that flows from and through your source evolution. It literally creates a portal of light that cuts through the karmic issues, psychic debt, ancestral blocks and oppressive resistance, creating transformation of ones truth into its highest version of self. Activating this, connecting you back to your source DNA frequency, is MASSIVE as it allows you, with commitment and ongoing conscious awareness, to take leaps forward on the path to self healing, and healing others. This activation potentially connects you to rebirth the divine source code within the root chakra and DNA, to work through the transcription processes to exist in a space of ongoing evolution through the activation of the light code that has become latent through your evolution. This means you have the potential to rebirth your divine and psychic abilities and step into your soul purpose that flows with inspiration, vision and purpose. This is more than just a consciousness connection, I will work to release karmic blocks preventing the energy fully attuning into your energy field. This means you are receiving not a distorted aspect of the energy activation, but a true alignment that integrates beautifully with all you are and do. This process for you is easy 1. Book the session a time that is convenient for you - this is a remote session and comes with a report so you are aware of the influences in your energy field that needed to be released to fully align, this awareness builds your understanding to grow and evolve with 2. I let you know when we are all done, and I encourage you to connect through zoom at the end of the session, the last 15 min, to chat about the experience and ask questions 3. I send you via email a report, I am here to support you through this on the day or later as you feel you need it

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Andre sider (35)

  • Project Awakening | Airmeith

    Projekt Awakening Det er tid til at blive inspireret Ja tak! Beslutsomme sjæle, der ønsker mere, Dette tilbud er til dig... 12 uger 12 LIGHT CODE hukommelsesaktiveringer Mentorskab ALT PERSONLIGT TIL DIG Lige og sandt, til det punkt, dybdegående energiopvågning af dit kildelys, din livskraft, din justering med din sjæls plan, der forbinder dig til at eksistere i et rum med ekspansion. Dette handler om at bevæge sig ud af illusionen, om at opleve, at din sjæl bliver unthreaded fra de stillestående netværk og integreret tilbage i din KILDE højfrekvente guddommelige sandhed, hvor du husker dine guddommelige og psykiske gaver organisk, og i det omfavne stien, trin for trin ind i livet dit bedste liv. + Den mentorordning, der er nødvendig for at forstå, flyde og integreres i det rum af din sandeste form, når det genfødes og huskes i enhed, der giver retning til proaktivt at bevæge sig fremad Det her vækker genklang hos mig DETTE ER PERSONLIGT En rejse i tidløshed Det er en rejse unik for dig. Det er ikke en forudbestemt undervisning. Det er styret af dit eget højere selv og guddommelige hold med dig, gennem mig En kærlighedsrejse Det er en rejse for at erkende frygten og give dig selv lov til at slippe den. Det er at forstå 'hvorfor' af livets fastlåste cyklusser, der begrænser og bryder fri En rejse til at huske Det er en sammenkomst af forskellige healingsmodaliteter, der komplimenterer på en måde, der tillader skift, forandring og overgang til noget 'mere' At vække sjælens frø 01 OMTAG MULIGHEDEN 02 AKTIVER GENNEM UGENTLIGE SESSIONER 03 LÆR, FLOW & BLIV 04 HUSK DEN VISDOM, DER LAG I Slip illusion, når du bliver hel i din tilbagevenden til oneness Hvad er involveret? Aktivering af lyskoder til højfrekvente energinetværk hver uge i 12 uger, der optimerer din sjælsopvågning fremadrettet Lære at arbejde med transformationel assisterende frekvenser Brug af toner og lydfrekvenser Visualiserings- og meditationsteknikker Inkorporerer pendulhealing og dowsing-diagrammer for større bevidsthed Grunding til ny energi, efterhånden som din bevidsthed og bevidsthed udvides Hukommelsesaktivering gennem kildelyskode Forstå krystalhealingsteknikker At genkende åndens tegn Brug af runer og ogham til at skabe positiv forandring og forandring Forstå tidligere liv og de påvirkninger, de har i nutiden Arbejde med engle, forfædre, dyreånder og mere Ingen drøm er for stor, når du forstår OVERFØRSEL er din fødselsret Jeg er klar

  • Holistic energy healing | Airmeith

    Verdensomspændende Online Healing Service Discover your inner wisdom with this Messenger Animals Oracle Deck. Order now and unlock your path to empowerment! BUY ON AMAZON Purchase through website HOW CAN I HELP YOU? Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe dig? !! Energi healing!! Jeg er et psykisk & medicinsk medie, der forstår, hvordan sundhed er en sind krop & sjæl rejse, det er fortiden, nutiden & fremtiden, det er en kombination af alt, der samles til nutid i den situation, der er NU._cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Jeg ser og får adgang til virkelighedens net, der forbinder jer gennem dimensionelle frekvenser, og hvordan dette har flyttet jer fra jeres guddommelige plan. Jeg kan genkende, hvordan kildekoden ikke længere resonerer optimalt med dit DNA og gennem sessioner arbejder på at opdatere, nulstille og justere tilbage til den guddommelige plan. Jeg er en kvantehealer, der er her for at bringe det skift, du har brug for gennem styrkelse af hjerteportalen og geometrisk cellulær justering tilbage til din kildesandhed. Jeg forstår blokeringerne, helbreder, styrker gennem alle områder og hjælper dig med at leve et lykkeligere, sundere og rigere liv ... book en konsultation i dag! Se booking Contact Susan

  • Chakra & Timed sessions | Airmeith

    TILBAGE TIL HOVEDSERVICEMENUEN Chakra og tidsindstillede sessioner Du skal blot booke sessionen og i notesektionen i bookingformularen skitsere din hensigt, HVORFOR til det, du ønsker at opnå (helbredelse, tilpasning, specifikt problem, der skal overvindes, relationstilpasning osv.). ​ Alt er muligt, så vær klar med din hensigt og sig det præcist, hvordan det er, og hvad du ønsker. Energy Healing - Mini Session A wonderful short, quick fix session! Læs mere 15 min 12.50 British pounds £12.50 Bestil nu Se abonnementer Energy Healing - Short A 30 min session with an emailed report Læs mere 30 min 25 British pounds £25 Bestil nu Se abonnementer Energy Healing - Long A 60 min session that is powerful and profound Læs mere 1 time 50 British pounds £50 Bestil nu Se abonnementer Energy Healing - Extra Long A 90 min service, so much potential to create positive change here! Læs mere 1 time 30 min 63 British pounds £63 Bestil nu Se abonnementer Chakra & Energetic Balance Balancing through your energy for positive mindfulness Læs mere 15 min 12.50 British pounds £12.50 Bestil nu Se abonnementer Chakra & Energetic Cleanse So much more than you might expect, this session is enlightening Læs mere 1 time 50 British pounds £50 Bestil nu Se abonnementer

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