About Susan

I cannot express enough my appreciation for you finding your way here to my page.
My name is Susan Green, I am a psychic medium, energy healer, level 2 QHHT practitioner, a creator of spiritual tools to empower your journey AND I am also the founder and sole driving energy behind Airmeith.Ltd, Worldwide Energy Healing Service.
How I lived before the miracle of life happened
Before this business I experienced a lifetime of debilitating illness that in later years also encompassed chronic fatigue. I was honestly at a loss for what life was suppose to be about and by the time I reached 40 I was truly at the extent of what I could mentally, emotionally and physically cope with.
I went in circles for way too many years (at least 20 years) with medical practitioners ongoing telling me there was nothing really wrong with me, and yet the pain and fatigue continued to elevate. It was a very confusing and demoralising time in my life in so many ways. I no longer felt I had a purpose or understanding of what life was meant to look like.
Where my journey really started
It was about then that I read a book, 'Many lives, many masters' by Dr Brian Weiss. This book gripped me in a way that set my mind wondering about what else is it that my soul is hanging onto and over time I went looking for someone that could help me with past life regression. I didn't find that person, but I did find an energy healer and what happened next was nothing short of a miracle. I have written much of this into my blogs on my website if you are interested in reading more about it. Some of those blogs can be found HERE.
From receiving these energy healings, and the profound shift that happened as I went back week after week, I was noticing shifts in myself physically with energy levels, I was able to start new routines to incorporate healing my mindsets and attitudes from what I had been experiencing, and I started teaching myself how to meditate, ground and other mindful practices that I had never considered previously. This really was a transformational time for me.
Healing that guided me to my higher purpose
It really was only a few months of committing to 'me' and I was noticing abilities that I had never realised previously. I was being guided to continue releasing independently of others and through this I was guided to create dowsing charts and pendulums of what I experienced to help empower others. The drive and sense of purpose to create these tools of spirit was undeniable. You can view and purchase these unique tools HERE.
Lessons with Spirit
From here, as I was connecting more and more intuitively, Spirit would nudge me with a call to action ... what I call 'lessons with spirit', where I would just type and listen to what I was being guided to learn. You can read more about what I learnt through my blog page HERE.
This then became an upward spiral that elevated into who I am today, living without pain, without the debilitating oppression that had been a constant companion in my life. I live now with purpose, knowing and an understanding of the cosmic network of energy in a way I could never have even imagined previously. I ask the universe, and I receive an answer .... recently an angel showed it to me in a literal term of 'being on speed dial with the consciousness of light'. So all that is light and the consciousness that forms and flows from that creation can be accessed. Trees, crystals, people, relationships, soul mission connecting through the planet. The potentials just keep awakening. The best place to access this through me for yourself is with a consult, HERE.
What I experience now
Life now just feels like potential forming and flowing daily, and as I continue to trust in this higher power I call Spirit I have been guided to support the energy session work with products, creating the Messenger Animals Oracle Deck, Card-a-Day: 99 Empowerment Cards, Dowsing Charts, Pendulums, and moving into Tote Bags. Watch this space for there is so much more coming forth to help empower and guide you to experience this miracle that I was blessed to receive.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story
If you have signed up to my website, and taken the time to read through this lengthy email about me, then I have no doubt that you also are ready to experience healing in some form. I have been guided to learn and understand the energy in ways that corrects contracts, heals the blueprints of what we live by, repairing the DNA and aligning into the 'correct' matrix of energy to be free of the karmic heaviness that you may be experiencing at this time.
Why work with me?
Through sessions with me I not only provide the energy healing but also mentor you to understand and connect with what your body needs (I vibrationally can feel and am guided to help you recognise what may be lacking), suggesting beneficial mindful practices, crystals, frequencies and more. Working with me is a mind body soul journey for I know that if I can heal from where I was, to where I am now, then anyone can.
Some of what I have healed in me
I have healed myself from massive food intolerances.
I have healed from chronic pain and fatigue.
I have healed my eyes so I no longer wear glasses.
I have healed from massive brain fog to become a psychic medium.
I have healed my body from constantly falling and having no balance to being stable, healthy and vibrant.
I have healed my sleeping patterns and no longer am taunted by nightmares.
I have healed my relationships with family, found my soul family and now have positive relationships on all levels of my life.
I have healed my connection with creativity.
I have, most importantly, healed my relationship with myself to live, love and trust in who I am and create the boundaries needed to live a balanced healthy life.
I have healed in more ways than I can even think to write here.
It is ALWAYS the right time to gift yourself the grace of healing. Please, book a low cost consult free of any obligation and see how I can assist you to live a life you love.
Many blessings, and a huge hug, thank you again for taking the time to read my story!