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This booklet is 8 pages of information that is invaluable if you are struggling to find clarity if you are dealing with ongoing psychic attacks in your environment, through sleep cycles or your day to day thoughts. It will help you permanently close the portals and free you house, mind, body and soul from these destructive forces that create discord, inconsistencies and fear.


This will help you to recognise where and how the portals are bound to you. It will help you be empowered to have the tools working with light beings and sacred geometry to create the expansion of energy needed to close them.


Close the portals and you stop ongoing attacks coming through that dimensional energy to allow you to eliminate the forces working against you and in turn, be clearer, more focused and aligned to your higher truth.


The information booklet covers terms and my understanding of what the prompts in the chart mean. I always recommend working intutively with what you learn to better understand the 'why' of what you experience in life day to day.





Closing dark portals - pendulum dowsing book

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وحدة SKU: BOOK014
  • Dowsing chart booklet - 8 pages 

    Information booklet - 10 pages

    Download size - 671kb

    When you purchase this product you will receive a download link in your email, download and save your file in a safe place.

    Print the chart and information booklet, I recommend organising your chart into a flip display folder for convenience (not supplied)


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