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  • Reiki - What's it all about anyway?

    So as a Reiki practitioner I consider myself a light worker. By setting the best intentions and channeling Universal energies I can help the body to unblock it's energy centers, this will allow all the internal and external forces in and around us to flow fluently. By doing this the body suddenly will get excited and take whatever opportunity it can to start healing. The body is an amazing thing! It does actually want to be well, to be healthy. Given the RIGHT conditions it will heal eagerly for you. What this means is NOT just physical healing but emotional healing as well. It seems unreal, I thought so too when I first came across it but the results are undeniable. For me, I experienced symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for over 13 years before this became part of my treatment. By allowing our energy to flow, unblocking the chakra's, releasing non-beneficial energies I suddenly saw remarkable changes. I mean REMARKABLE .... as in on a MIRACLE level. No joke!! You do not go from being that unwell to that well, that quickly with synthetic medicines. => Learn Reiki Love First Hand <= With reiki your intuition grows, it is like you are suddenly open and aware to a world that never existed before. You start making GOOD choices for yourself, you find yourself smiling and looking forward to the day, you find life just starts making sense. It is such a gift! So what is reiki? It is clarity, it is love, it is life at it's grandest. You can heal trauma from the past, send loving healing energy to places where there has been disasters. It is satisfaction in knowing that whatever you do with reiki is for the highest good of everyone involved. It does not have unwanted side effects, it doesn't react with any medication you are on. On the contrary actually, you are more likely to need less medication because your energy, your chi is suddenly flowing as it should! If you have never experienced reiki then give yourself a treat. It is a contentment and relaxation that does not come from anywhere else. It can be done in the comfort of your own home, time and distance are of no consequence to this beautiful Universal energy. If you are interested, check out my web page, it is one of my favourite services offered <3 #Reiki #reikilove #freedom #healing #chi

  • I tried to be normal once .. worst two minutes of my life!

    What is normal anyway?! You do not need to conform to what you THINK society wants or needs you to be. The authentic you is perfect. Here are some pointers for helping with that: Invest in yourself. Get Clarity What do you need to get clarity on where you are at and what you want? If you are not sure try one of these Meditation Talk to family/friends Walk on the beach, through nature Get creative and just let go Dance, sing, turn the music up loud Exercise, for many this works a treat! Find someplace you can just be in your own head, no interruptions Regain Control Does it feel like life is controlling you and not the other way around? Not Cool! Take the steps you need to bring everything back into order, even an organised chaos is better than just complete chaos. Work with what you have to make the best of your situation possible. A Safe Place Where is your 'safe' place? Do you have one? Do you have someone you can tell anything, confide in and just get it all off your chest when it all feels too much? This is important, no one can survive on their own, we need to share. When you internalise everything it builds up and up creating energetic blockages that lead to all sorts of mental and physical trauma. >> Chakra & Energetic Cleanse - Release blocks today << Flexibility Find flexibility in your weekly schedule to make important 'YOU' time. How is it when we constantly put ourselves out there for others we forget about the well being of ourselves until it hits us so hard, then recovery is difficult to say the least. Holistic Healing The ONLY way to truly heal Mind Body Soul When you look after all three you are on a winner! Be kind in your thoughts, eat well and eliminate toxins from your home and last but by no means least, find YOU time. Meditate, walk in nature, do whatever it is your soul calls you to do that you love and just steals you away from reality for a while. #Clarity #Holistichealing #regaincontrol #Asafeplace #Flexiblility

  • Life is a Series of Thousands of Miracles. Notice Them.

    I actually remember a turning point of realisation for me. I had always thought I had appreciated what was around me BUT now I understand that I wasn't fully recognising the true gifts the Universe and the world we live in has to offer. It was the moment I started my gratitude journal and consciously started noting every time I came across something wondrous in my day that my life seemed to manifest onto a different road, shifting up into a higher gear. Cruising along this road was so much more pleasurable, and comfortable, and remarkably the more I worked with appreciation and gratitude the better the places I was taken. Initially training myself to 'notice the details' was something I needed to work on. I mean, seriously, when life is challenging, when everyday is fraught with issues of one sort or another spanning more than you think you are capable of dealing with it actually IS something you need to train yourself to do. I can guarantee you that it is well worth the effort though. Releasing the negativity, learning to exist in optimistic assertive positivism. When starting out, or stepping it up to the next level, with this change in your life consider working with a gratitude journal. Write down 5 things EVERY day that you appreciate, that you are grateful for. This is best down before you sleep as your sub-conscious mind mulls over what you have been thinking about in the last 10-15 minutes before you sleep and you will wake the next day as a follow through, feeling the effects of this thinking. You can only imagine how over a period of time this positive energy culminates and benefits you! Here are some of the details I found myself noticing and writing about in my own gratitude journal: How beautiful my kids laughter was, their smiles, the people they were growing into. Such an incredible experience every day with them, the good and the bad Family, nieces, nephews and little comments that would warm my heart Friends; conversation and laughter, what they individually bought to my life The magic of the world up close New growth Bugs in the garden Textures Colours The way shadows fell making interesting shapes Clouds! Look up, lay on your back in the grass and just watch as the clouds move and shape and change, magical The sunshine and how amazing it feels on my skin Being caught in the rain and just laughing about it Sunsets and sunrises, what a gift! The way a candle flickers and dances, or similarly with incense smoke Kind words from strangers, even just a random smile, a kind gesture The feel of the ocean as it lapped over my feet I could probably go on all day about what I am grateful for daily! WORK WITH HEALING ENERGY PROACTIVELY CONNECT YOURSELF TO POSITIVISM If you are in a difficult situation, if each day is a struggle and you find yourself constantly on the negative then I encourage you to do what it takes to turn that around. If you are living life and want to take it into a higher vibration aligned to abundance then I encourage you to work with gratitude also. If you REALLY struggle, there is this, but work with it gently for I don't recommend self-harm, just a way to help yourself stay on track. I have heard of a technique that is very cheap and easy to implement ... it is called 'rubber band therapy'. Basically you put a rubber band around your wrist (not too tight and not too loose!) and every time you have a negative thought or something slips out of your mouth that is not positive you flick yourself with the band. Its a quick and effective way to teach yourself positive thinking if you need physical encouragement! Keep correcting the thoughts, the actions and the speech patterns. Work with affirmations, balancing and grounding meditations. You are worth the effort and the initial hard work will pay off. Commitment to self and desire to exist in a better space is all that is needed here. It can be a long road sometimes, but by taking baby steps it does not feel so daunting. Try anything to keep yourself moving in a forward direction, over time you will find life around you improving and through that improvement clarity and direction. I know I did <3

  • I love listening to lies when I know the truth

    I strongly believe that toxins have no place in our home. They seem to be a pollutant that people accept and use despite the short term and long term effects on our bodies. What we actually need to do is protect ourselves and our children from the harmful impacts of toxic chemicals and only then will we fully understand how it is creating adverse effects on our health and well being. If you find yourself suffering with one or more of these and the doctor cannot find a reasonable explanation then toxic overload may be a contributing factor. Consistently feeling fatigued Weight gain Bad breath Body odour Constipation Over-sensitivity Muscle aches and pains Inflammatory conditions Skin reactions - ie acne, psoriasis, eczema Food or chemical sensitivities Headaches Brain fog/memory loss Mood swings Hormone imbalances The list goes on! These are all symptoms of toxic overload. I am sure you can only imagine what it adds up to over a lifetime, it is in our foods, our cleaning products, our clothes and more. There are things you can do though to help support your system, you can put on a red cape here and be a superman hero of your own story! Drink lots of water - this flushes the toxins through your body Exercise at least 30 minutes a day - circulation is a great way to help those toxins keep moving Probiotics - support your gut with probiotics, found in kefir, yoghurt, sauerkraut etc or find a supplement that works well ==> Modere is the best I know of! <== Use toxic free cleaning products - ==> Modere again has brilliant cleaning products <== Use only natural skin care products - ==> Modere selling top of the range skin care products <== Choose only clean whole and organic foods where possible Living clean is more than just a phase, it needs to be the foundation of all we do. Finding those products and the happy medium with what works for you and your family is super important. Implement what you can, start making changes today for the betterment of not just your immediate family but the world. Think of the waterways, the oceans, the air and how as a whole everyone and everything benefits by making changes to the way you do things. FYI MODERE is worldwide. They pride themselves on removing potentially harmful ingredients from ALL products you use. They are an undisputed leader in the science and art of living clean. With over 300 products they are indeed market leaders with everything being super economical. Washing weekly for 3 people the laundry powder has lasted me for near on 8 months!! I highly recommend checking out their website, follow the links in pink or click on the photo below and if you would like to order something use the code 343039 for a generous discount at the checkout on your first order. #modere #detox #toxicfreeliving #naturalhealth #toxicoverload

  • Optimism is the Faith that leads to Achievement.

    I always knew I think. I was living life, or perhaps existing, but nothing made sense, I should say nothing outside of the focus of my beautiful children that kept me centered and sane. They have always been my anchor. Beyond them I couldn't see any clarity on what the purpose of being here was. Surely there had to be more. I had heard people talk about life with so much passion. Living .. what is living really? I know I focused on my family, on being the best person I could be and sharing whatever I could to whatever level I could manage on that particular day and would hope that it was enough. Being unwell ALL the time is difficult though. It blocks you from flourishing and truly shining, anyone who has suffered chronic illness in whatever form would know exactly what I am saying. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you WANT it, it just doesn't come. Then, suddenly it is like someone turns a light on one day. It's an idea from nowhere it seems leading us to somewhere or to doing something we didn't ever imagine. We take a different fork in the road, meet new people that bring about changes. It is at that point that the seeds have been planted, metaphorically speaking. For me this happened when I went to see about receiving spiritual healing. I was at a loss. Doctors had been unable to help for over a lifetime, in my head nothing felt right, the puzzle did not fit. By walking into that healing shop that day I changed everything I ever knew. Understanding the Chakra System & How Reiki Helps - Free eBook My life of trying to fit in and conform and be the person I was, all those ideals and blocks in my head. Everything just melted away leaving a clean slate to rewrite me on. The real me, the me that has a purpose, that knows what that purpose is and embraces every new day with passion because I know 100% what I need to do and how I need to do it. The process of spiritual healing, reiki, was remarkable. Physically after every session I would be wiped flat ... I optimistically took that as a good sign that my body was ridding itself of years of stagnant and bad energy. Clearing energetic blocks that stopped my body from functioning to its optimal state no matter how well I looked after it. Mentally I was having dreams so vivid that they were more like visions helping me understand what it is exactly I had opened myself to by walking this path. Incredible, beyond words. I learnt to be kind to myself, in thoughts and actions and week after week, slowly the knock out effect after the reiki treatments was less significant and I could FEEL what living actually felt like. What an amazing moment to realise you have managed to break the cycle. To realise that you are no longer that person constantly yearning to be more but you actually ARE more. YOU ARE SUDDENLY ENOUGH. Now with healing and finding this new road to walk down I was full of inspiration. How wonderful! Ideas, creativity, opportunity and best of all the ability to ACTION it. I was open to new adventures, to create the life I had dreamed of. The life of passion and contentment and clarity of just knowing I am in exactly the right place at the right time doing the right thing! When you find yourself here you will know, just as I do now, that there can only be a happy ever after result. Finding peace and contentment within yourself leads you to the people that are meant to be in your life, it gives you the self-confidence to say no if it does not sit well with you and honestly, when you look back on the rocky road you have traveled and the lessons you have learnt to get to this point there is no lacking appreciation at all! #Energyblocks #forkintheroad #livelife #passion #appreciation

  • Great Food is Like Great Sex, The More You Have, The More You Want!

    Your body is your temple ... NO JOKE! It seriously is a case of what you put into it you get out of it. So much of society is addicted to coffee, alcohol, sugar, junk food ... never mind the big stuff like drugs, be them prescription or not, anything synthetic creates a band aid to one part of the body which offsets another part and many don't even realise the intolerance they have to day to day medication. We have almost conditioned ourselves to function at this lowly level and accept not feeling good as just 'normal'. So WRONG! Lets make a list of things we live with and accept as 'normal' Body aches & pains Acne Uneven skin tones Saggy skin Eczema/Psoriasis Digestive issues (heartburn, tummy gurgles, flatulence, diarrhoea, constipation) Lack of energy and fatigue Mysterious ailments/headaches Hair is lacking lustre Nails are brittle and split Bad oral health Fluctuating weight Constantly being unwell Wounds that do not heal effectively Loss of mental clarity and emotional health (ie brain-fog, depression, anxiety) That is quite a list, just off the top of my head! I find it so sad that more people don't realise the importance of eating correctly and making it a higher priority. Making excuses as to why they can't do it this way or do it that way. It is all in the mindset, if you want it bad enough you just do it. If you have been reading my blogs then you would have some idea of the journey I have been on already, the almost insanely unbelievable transformation that I went through when I started really pulling apart what I ate. It is a fact that a lot of the ailments you are suffering are likely caused by an intolerance to one food or another. Or perhaps eating certain food groups together so that the stomach cannot digest it efficiently to maximise what it is you are feeding it. There are so many benefits to understanding gut health, to eating correctly. It is an interesting thing I find that even though people hear and know these things a lot of the time they do not want to 'give up' the foods they love and crave. DISCOVER DIETARY REQUIREMENTS FOR MENTAL CLARITY ¦ HEALTH ¦ EMOTIONAL BALANCE TRUST ME ... the cravings dissipate and the rewards of better health and higher quality of living by far out-way having to go without some comfort foods. There are many different diets to look at, Paleo ... this is kind of what I worked with when I first ventured upon this learning curve. It is amazing how you can still have all the 'yummy' stuff but it shows you how to do it with naturally derived produce rather than synthetic and highly processed foods that are like poison to your body. The thing is, until you actually detox your body from all of that stuff you do not even have the slightest idea of just how amazing you can feel. That the dry lifeless looking skin is not normal for you, the running out of energy and 'NEEDING' a caffeine or sugar hit does not happen anymore. You suddenly are thinking clearly every day and your health improves to the point you see everyone else around you unwell but you are not picking up the bugs. It's brilliant! Even weight ... it is no longer a battle, it is not something you even have to TRY to battle constantly anymore. Your body just works. It's perfect really, I urge everyone to consider going back to basics. Fuel the body instead of feeding it and discover how the bodies innate ability to heal itself just takes over given the right conditions and leaves you looking and feeling amazing. If you are ready to embrace the next step then consider working with me. I am a psychic medical medium that has a gift for understanding intolerances, the bodies needs and how to help it connect and balance through the processes to function more efficiently. Book a session below and step into new beginnings today! #Paleo #healthebody #recover #livebetter #loseweight #dietaryrequirements #goodfood #diet #healththroughfood #mindbodysoul

  • What if I can do it?

    Boundaries are important. There was a time when my boundaries were, lets say, not very solid. I felt locked into behaving a certain way, being a certain somebody to fit a mold that was not achievable because the circumstances around me were always so controlling. When I look back and realise how long my life was spent in this way I feel very thankful that there was a pivotal point where I was able to stand my ground and find independence away from these people that put me in this situation. It brings you down on every level. It consumes your everything trying to constantly be someone you are not. There was a lot of determination and willpower to break the chains of these unhealthy relationships. It is one thing to know that it is happening and another altogether to make it stop and believe in yourself enough to find who you really are, to allow the healing to start by making one of the biggest changes feasible .... letting go of what you know and releasing the people that no longer serve you in your life. Is it possible that when we venture out to make decisions on our own two feet and no longer live under those controlling circumstances that we turn back to what we do know. For me that was the love of my family, more precisely, my children. Finding joy and in hearing them laugh, enjoying a meal I had cooked for them or just being in their company for whatever reason. My children have always been my anchor and my guiding light. It did not matter how mundane the task, if it was with them it was all ok. Then I was presented with extenuating circumstances, bringing other children into my house. I was wanting beyond anything for everything to be ok for them and to make everything more positive and better. To heal with love and good intentions, I am now not sure how effective that on it's own is. I think my overconfidence in believing I could help and my lack of experience in this situation led me to a place that I was completely unprepared for. I continued in blind faith to do my absolute best, day after day, year after year but I now look back and wonder ... at what cost? I did not know where this journey would set me on a course to. I had no experience here and for all the best intentions I found myself again living under the opinions and control of external relationships that constantly left me feeling drained and at a lost. Still, I moved forward. The partnership between me and the children I bought into my life and committed to has continued and I try to find balance as best I can. As with all situations in life that challenge us to the core, we learn, we grow and we look for the wisdom that will lead us to where we need to be and what we need to do. I have battled with the head versus the heart and what to listen to and I believe with all I am and anticipate for that something wonderful to come from all this. I have complete faith that all the challenges from the past and in my present are taking me somewhere special. I have learnt to question everything, to listen to my heart and to take notice of my initial gut reaction. I look for mentors to help me along my way, people who are supportive and giving in equal amounts to what I support and give. This is a journey, I am growing stronger and I do look forward in anticipation to the change that is coming ... I can feel it, sense it. I KNOW that blessings are on their way! #Blogging #ContentMarketing

  • The Outrageous is The Reasonable, if Introduced Politely

    Forgiveness heals all wounds … but what if forgiveness is difficult? Our emotional state impacts heavily on our physical health. Have you noticed how when life is cruising along nicely you just FEEL better? The aches and pains do not seem so significant. Relationships, stress and circumstances can be reconciled. It makes no matter if they are in the past or the present, the key to improving how you feel is to release the negativity. Just let go…. But as we all know, it’s just NOT that easy. Or is it? Can we bring about resolution to disagreements in groups and/or relationships? Can we create resolution at work and in general life situations? An Ancient Discovery I personally discovered an 8000 year old tradition that is easy to learn and can change your life significantly. It created change and helped me to see the truth, to understand that even though I am not there yet I was on the right track. It helped me considerably to shift with the conditions around me and to know I should always just learn to expect the unexpected. So this ancient tradition is dowsing, not dowsing with rods but with a simple pendulum. For me it was like embarking on a new adventure that allowed all sorts of new opportunities to arise. I learnt through this technique that the miracles where within me. It helped me to learn to trust my intuition and step into unknown territory with confidence. Here are just a few things I personally use the pendulum for: Yes/No questions when I am not sure of something Clearing my crystals and re-energizing them Clearing negative energies and blocks when I can't think or function efficiently on any given day Picking the perfect present for someone Finding out how useful a service, course or something I want to purchase will be for me Balancing my chakra's - if you have never done this or had this done for you, it is incredible what a huge difference it makes. Your chakra's are your energy center's and when they are out of whack you just feel off and out of sorts. Discovering what food allergies/intolerance's I have - this has been hugely beneficial for me and opened up a world of living easier knowing what I can and cannot eat that will effect me to what degree!! Clearing emotional issues from my past, helping me to release what is no longer serving me All you need is to TRUST and all is revealed. It is like you are not just walking the path of life anymore, you are taking control and forging the path, creating your future. The unknown is no longer scary but full of all sorts of treasures to unveil. It is surprising how quickly you pick up the techniques. How you learn that there is so much more you can use it for than you initially think. For me its like someone turned on a light bulb, I have a very harmonious relationship with my intuition and pendulum these days! Being a spiritual healer I also find it is so invaluable in my day to day practice. Even just for myself when I feel out of sorts and can’t put my finger on why. It’s brilliant at just bringing everything back into balance as it should be. The Science Behind It For those of you who are scientifically scoffing at the thought here, think of it like this, it may just help to bring it all together for you. It works similar to a radio that picks up information from unseen radio waves, the pendulum is like an antenna that receives information from the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, places, thoughts and things. We have all heard of Albert Einstein … did you know he was known to perform impressive feats with such dowsing tools? His belief was that it had to do with electromagnetism: kind of like birds that migrate following the earth's magnetic field, dowsers react to energies that are unseen and still to this day not fully understood. Thomas Edison once said in regards to his discovery of electricity … "I don't know what it is, but it's there, let's use it." Same goes the deal with dowsing! It is irrelevant really to need to understand EXACTLY how it works; it’s no different to using a television but not understanding just how or why the picture comes through on that big black screen, the fact is, if it benefits us then we use it! Lastly, you do not need to be psychic in any way to use a pendulum; there is nothing magical or mystical about it, despite the amazing uncanny accuracy with information that it provides. The pendulum opens a path to discover and heal emotion in all its forms, for me it has attracted unwaivering abundance and helped me to trust in my own decisions, trust in my intuition. It is so important on this journey to completely believe in ourselves to truly flourish. Let Pendulum Power guide you! #Pendulum #Dowsing #Intuition #personalgrowth #yesno #whatisdowsing

  • The benefit of hardships

    The world is your oyster, IT'S TRUE! We can all achieve whatever we like with the correct mindset, belief system and desire to want to be different. For years I struggled against what felt like the whole world. I felt like I was waiting for my break, for that 'lucky' year to come along. Unfortunately, when you just wait and carry on with the same ole same ole it just doesn't happen. I mean, I wanted it to happen but something was missing that was stopping it from happening. It was like I couldn't see the forest for the trees. Anyway, one day I realised: WE make it happen. We all come here to this earth with a purpose and some are lucky enough to find that early in life whilst others, like myself, go from trial to trial feeling lost and out of place till one day, it just clicks and something in the consciousness shifts and you realise that path you need to walk AND how to step onto it. My theory is that from all the trials we work through, we learn the lessons we need and this then gives us the power to embrace our authentic self. The learning is expanding the consciousness, ever seeing things from a different point of view from the box we had previously been stuck in. From here we grow, evolve and manifest the path that we are meant to be on. Suddenly our mindset has changed and abundance blesses us on a daily basis in different forms sourcing from the appreciation of things suddenly falling into place. Inwardly we feel more successful, feel more connected, feel like we fit. This then spirals out to attracting more positive energy from the universe and hence we have some very positive momentum propelling us. At this point we should all congratulate ourselves. It is an amazing moment when you find yourself here, like a happy conclusion to that chapter of your life leaving you with a great sense of satisfaction and understanding for your own journey. STEP INTO THE LIFE YOU WANT TO LIVE TODAY CHAKRA & ENERGETIC CLEANSE Take some time here in this new place you find yourself. Enjoy where you are at. Review your life and allow yourself to let go of situations that feel burdensome. I have loved the pathway that I have been on. Waking every day looking forward to what it may have to offer. Feeling grateful for where I am and the people in my life. I have and continue to let go of emotions, situations and past habits that are heavy and no longer serve me. Its almost like taking a long bath, cleansing completely inside and out so we can best continue to roll in this positive energy with the Universe. Abundance rewards us when we constantly look forward, be grateful for what we have and serve our true path to the best we can. !!! BOOK HERE !!! Now, I find myself here, living on the other side of the world. It is all upside-down to what I grew up knowing in Australia and there is still so much to learn BUT I feel successful in what I have achieved. I worked hard to get here, to accomplish all I have at this point on a mind, body and soul level. Living without pain, without constant overbearing fatigue, releasing the past where toxicity was holding me back and looking forward to living with success in my personal life and business is, in my opinion, a powerful motivator that will continue to help me accomplish all that my life purpose has set out for me. I aspire to help all that want to be helped in any way I can. I will continue to share and if at any time there is something that rings so true for you and you want to know more, just contact me without hesitation through my Facebook page, Instagram or my website. #hardship #grief #mindset #findyourself #lifepurpose #startingover #anewyou

  • Compromise - a little give, a little take

    I was thinking back to a time when I would fall over ... sometimes one or two times in a day, sometimes many many more times in a day. It would seem I almost spent more time on my bottom on the ground than I did on my feet. It was a very troubling time indeed and when I think about it, not long enough ago. I have always enjoyed yoga and walking but over these years of not having any physical balance I spent a lot of time pushing and forcing myself to try achieve ... perhaps more than my body was capable of. I mistakenly believed at this time that it was the only way. I mean, every part of my life was a struggle so why wouldn't exercise just be another extension of that? It was almost a catch 22. I did not have the energy to exercise but if I did not exercise then the body would begin to deteriorate and lose muscle tone hence making all day to day activities more difficult. I think what I was missing in my thought equation was balance. Was that exercise good for me at that point on that day? I would seriously just keep pushing, I mean, why would I think differently at that point? From the moment I woke I would have to mentally push myself to make my body work in any effective manner. There was nothing about any day that was easy ... a good day would be when I suddenly realised I hadn't had any pain for an hour (YES! That's right, it was constant!). But I walked (unless my energy was so low that it was no longer physically possible to do so) and I did yoga. It was challenging with my balance issues but I attempted it for the sake of 'good health'. What happened here was that due to the 'never give in' attitude and completely negating the fact that my body was screaming at me to stop I was almost forced into a standstill. It is ironic how the Universe conveys it's message to us one way or another. Despite my backward, upside-down thinking I needed to learn a better way. I needed to moderate and come to a mutual agreement between my mind and my body. A balance where my body was getting enough rest to recoup enough that I could then satisfy my desire to be doing something. It sounds logical but in practice, when you have been running on nothing for so long your recovery time is quite often a lot more significant than what your mind is willing to compromise with hence leaving you feeling very empty. Fortunately I had met a lady in the August of 2015 and over and over she told me ... be kind to yourself. It sticks with me, it resonates with me to this day. I managed to find compromise through these words and instead of pushing to do so much I started to let go. I would drive to the beach instead of walk and then stroll, or even just sit if I did not have the energy, instead of a brisk walk. I would park where there were no steps or long ramp up the cliff side to avoid over taxing my body. I backed off on the yoga and went back to shorter, more basic routines. Surprisingly, with this 'letting go' and letting my body take more time out I could over time feel my strength returning. Keeping in mind as well that this was the time I had instigated a new eating plan and was receiving the spiritual healing. MIND BODY SOUL. I will keep saying it! It is all about balance across these things and it is the only way to find complete healing. Fast forward now 17 months and I continue to grow stronger. My mind and my body! By having faith, letting go and believing I am now working with the advanced yoga routines and have recently started jogging. We go out on weekends and will walk for hours on end with no problem. I do not fall over anymore either. I believe with all I am that there is nothing that will stop me from continuing to move forward. I feel like there is something in my thoughts that has switched and my sincere belief in who I now am is a very far cry from who I once was back then. BOOK AN ILLNESS CONSULT TODAY OPEN YOUR MIND TO ALTERNATIVE HEALING DISCOVER TODAY JUST HOW MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE THIS IS THAN ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVERY TRIED BEFORE - I GUARANTEE IT! #compromise #catch22 #mindbodysoul #bekindtoyourself #balance #chronicillness

  • In a Relationship With Food

    I had suffered with the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for over 13 years. Through this time I had always eaten what I considered quite healthy. I guess in hindsight 'quite healthy' back then compared to what I know now is very misconstrued though. In the August of 2015 I found myself in a position where it was possible to concentrate more on my needs and at this time the Universe magically provided me with the people I needed to be involved with to get the results I needed. Upon my first visit a possible solution was presented to this illness that I would not wish on ANYONE ... EVER (the illness that is, not the solution!). Diet. Suddenly I started a whole new relationship with food. I started on an eating plan for leaky gut. After reading about the symptoms of this problem and how it develops it made perfect sense. Taking as balanced approach as I could I did my best to follow all the 'rules' and I was rewarded rather quickly by being in considerably less pain and my clarity of thought was better on a consistent basis to what it had been for longer than I can remember. This was fantastic BUT I was still struggling with issues and through further investigation I decided to adopt a 'Candida' eating plan alongside the 'healing gut' food plan. The learning curve was extensive and frustrating but I was pretty determined that this was the point of my life where everything changed and with a lot of determination and patience I continued to work toward that successful outcome. AND I did see significant results! It was remarkable to see my nails start growing ... they had never grown! My skin was suddenly supple and looking brighter rather than the years of issues I had with psoriasis. Across the board my body seemed to embrace the change and continue to heal, even issues that were just niggling annoying things that I rarely gave a thought to anymore. I remember just thinking over time ... wow, I haven't had issues from that for so long now. Of course the most significant change was the LACK of pain and the LACK of brain fog. I still wake up feeling SOOOOOOOO grateful that these no longer reside with me. I have not had pain killers (until I had the flu a few weeks back) since I started this journey. That if nothing else screams how important what we put in our bodies is. Over time I learned to cook with the most beneficial spices and herbs to help with inflammation and gut healing but for some reason my stomach was still giving me grief. I was confused and at a bit of a loss as to what to do. I am sure you can relate to that feeling that you are doing everything you believe possible but you just cannot seem to find the last pieces to the puzzle. I was so here. I went back to basics and decided I needed some clinical evidence of what was going on in my body. I sent of for a hair follicle test. This was a massive eye opener for me! This highlighted some major intolerance's I had and some rather large deficiencies I had developed. At this point I felt very much like I had to re-assess everything I knew. Obviously, in the name of good health, this is EXACTLY what I did. The things I noted mostly were ... The deficiencies I had were able to be resolved with foods I was eating on a daily basis, that confused me. The intolerance's to food I had were in a large proportion of everything I was eating. My conclusion to this was, figure out the 'safe' foods and then through some more extensive reading I worked out how to kick start my digestion back into working efficiently so that it would actually absorb the nutrients that I was giving it. I did the latter by using digestive enzymes, HCL, and probiotics (which I have actually taken from the beginning of this). I also have a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in water before my main meal of the day. All this was quite effective, I no longer burp or belch or have indigestion to any degree. Finding the safe foods has been a slower process. Fortunately I am a certified dowser and through this skill I have more effectively nailed down exactly what my body can tolerate and to what percentage it can tolerate it. I am so thankful for this skill, it has cut down the trial and error process considerably. My diet now is so changed from that which once was, and continues to develop and change as I work with what I discover BUT most importantly is I FEEL GOOD. Yes it can be annoying being on a strict food regime but to be brutally honest you have to just accept it. Those feelings of frustration and annoyance and being disgruntled just serve to bring you down and make you feel bad again. That's not cool! Work with who you are, celebrate every little discovery as a path to a brighter road ahead opens up and you realise that every day you wake up saying 'Aright, lets do it!' rather than '*GROAN* (mental calculation of pain level) (mental calculation of days activities) (mental calculation of what you absolutely cannot bail on versus what you can) drag yourself out of bed ....' To all my fellow fibro warriors, to all those who suffer with other autoimmune diseases and to those who struggle with mental illness and clarity. For anyone that I have missed. Diet is the keystone to turning things around. Healing takes place on ALL levels - body, mind & soul - but if at the very least you can wake up feeling clear and focused then you are one step closer to working through and implementing the necessary changes to gain freedom of living. This is a very long blog! Thankyou for sticking with me and as always, if anyone would like to contact me then you can do so through my Facebook page (healwithairmeith) or through the 'contact' page on my website. Warmest regards xx #Fibromyalgia #chronicfatigue #autoimmunedisease #candida #leakygut

  • Be the Inspiration

    I am wondering how long the majority of us search for meaning in our life. For the most part we fall into a routine of what is conventional and follow a pre-laid path to a future that is generally the most expected of us. It is a curious thing though how this path that we follow is so often not the one that surrounds us with the people, with the support that we truly need and hence lends us to a downhill decline of dissatisfaction and quite often illness. What is it that makes us so reluctant to follow our dreams? I think today's society is actually much more forgiving when it comes to stepping out of the 'normal' day to day routine. Could you imagine what it would be like if we all had the wisdom from an early age to surround ourselves with people that were like 'wise teachers' and friends that their thinking was akin to our own and hence create guidelines and rules that are most beneficial to us achieving clarity, purpose, internal peace and happiness? When we finally get to that point in life though, after all of life's lessons through the trials, the pain and the heartache I feel that we appreciate it SO much. It is at this point we look for others to share with and help them to see just how valuable they are to the world. It is interesting how we so often do not see the qualities in ourselves and need that somebody else to be there at the right time with the right words to guide us in the right direction. This person I absolutely believe is a divine gift from the Universe to give us a nudge in the direction we need to go to reach our greatest potential! Your time will come, as mine has already, that you need to stand up and take your place and be a leader. Guide, make plans and be that somebody who is considered a mentor, friend and confidant. I know when I began my journey to wellness the people that played this role in my life were invaluable. It is when these people enter our lives ... or on the other hand, you enter someone else's life, that the beauty of being able to (what appears as magically) manifest and see the closure of one story and the beginning of the next story of our lives will happen. Everything falls into place and the culmination of life's lessons and knowledge that we have acquired has us prepared and ready for the successful (in whatever form that comes for you, be it good health, wealth, contentment, enlightenment etc) road ahead. #followyourdreams #greatestpotential #divinegift #bealeader #lifeslessons #roadahead

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