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  • There is no better road map to happiness than the one imprinted in your heart

    I remember in the early days of just starting out with my change of lifestyle, of mindset, of diet. I had been receiving reiki healing's for about 2 months at this time. Generally I was doing fantastic, after the daily struggle for over 13 years ... I believe this is something you can truly only appreciate if you have experienced it ... I was waking feeling good, my mood was positive and I was feeling like I had my whole life to look forward to all of a sudden. I woke this day and my body was just screaming at me, I knew I would not achieve my yoga routine today or even the simplest of tasks, but on the flip side I reasoned that meditation was more in line with where I was at that point. It is interesting thinking back ... I was not discouraged by this 'setback'. In actual fact I felt I was in the midst of creating an amazing dream that was coming to life before my eyes. Healing does not necessarily happen in a straight line. What I mean by that is there will still be ups and downs but you need to appreciate how hard you have worked to get to where you are at that point. You have been self-reliant and been careful to make the best possible choices you believe you can that are right for you and your personal growth. I took these days as an opportunity to be at peace with myself, in my own thoughts, to just draw or meditate, to reflect on the beautiful things in my life and to envision how they would evolve and grow as I did. What happens when we stop and review our plans though? What if something doesn't feel right? What if you have put your all into it and it is just not ringing true? What then? For me, and for you, it's time to turn within at that point. Listen to your intuition, be guided by your dreams, they are messages that are not blocked by your conscious mind. As you begin and continue on a journey like I have been writing about you find your intuitive abilities become heightened, it is then just a matter of tuning into that to find clarity. It is through this clarity that your true self is ultimately discovered. This is where I discovered me. This is where after years of floating and wondering what my purpose was I found out exactly what what I had to do. I have never felt so sure of anything! It is interesting to note as well, at that point there were some significant people that showed up into my life, like a gift from the Universe. They welcomed me into their circle and enriched me with courage and confidence to follow my true path. It is remarkable when you stop and think about it, how through one or two people there is suddenly a whole new world of possibilities opening up for you to explore. Right when you need it most! I love the way life works like that. The backhanded comment so many of us throw out ... 'be careful what you wish for' ... is so true. Just ask, put it out there to the Universe and see how life will then conspire to make things work for you! #Appreciate #Reflect #journey #dreams #mindset

  • The Magic of Beginning

    I remember a time, New Years would roll around and every year and I would create a resolution that this year would be better. Every year I seem to be locked into the same old merry-go-round that I had been on previously. It is strange how I woke that day KNOWING that I could be different. It is like I could suddenly see the light at the end of the tunnel. Was it the pre-preparation of work I had done before this, that constant pushing through at all costs? By this time I had sold most of what I had owned, cleaned up and cleaned out in readiness to travel overseas. I have often wondered if that alone was what allowed me to see more clearly the path ahead. It's a very cleansing process to de-clutter. Physically and emotionally, it is like you suddenly are making room for new energies to enter your life, new opportunities to manifest. I had my sights set on relocating so the process of clearing out was very motivating for me to achieve my goals. I believe that when I did this I opened myself up to new beginnings. I actually found my life purpose and in turn was able to look more objectively at my past to work with the journey I had been on and to heal. To find strength in the trials I had been through and in turn use those experiences to relate to and help others on their journey. It is so important to find like minded people to be around. Those that will give and take in equal proportions to yourself, and where your emotional efforts are nurtured and safe. Starting over meant forgiving ones self and for the majority only being around these people. I distanced myself physically and emotionally from those that were not in line with me anymore, that just seemed to work on a different frequency. Those that were constantly taking or negative, those that no matter what you say or do it is misconstrued and turned about to make you feel bad. These people need to be let go of, they have no significant purpose in your life, be with those that resonate where you do. That give back what you give. Now, the New Year is upon us again and I am keen and eager to see this year happen. 2016 was a massive year of growth for me, my 'New Beginning' and so settling into that and continuing to manifest an amazing life where I can be of service and help those that are where I have been is where my intention is set. I want to see you all achieve, progress to where you want to be. Move away from the pain, the trials, the negative thoughts and allow yourself to flourish. If you need help, contact me - that first step, asking for help, is by far the hardest! #NewYears #Cleanse #startover #strength #manifest #newlife

  • A time to ask for help

    This was something I was never particularly good at. I know this for a fact. I really disliked the feeling of being an imposition on people, burdening them with my problems when they already have a life with everything of their own to deal with. It really was a conscious decision, a choice I had to make in part of my healing journey to start asking others for help. I am not talking about constantly having people do things for me but just asking when I truly needed that other opinion or help with something rather than just 'battling' through. When faced with a dilemma, a fork in the road it is invaluable to have some input from those close to you. It creates a balanced overview to have more than just your own thoughts and opinions on the situation. You cannot be expected to always have the answers, this is not reasonable, life is a journey about learning from our experiences. Success lies in being able to consciously choose. I think it is important to realize as well that when you never ask for help in return of people that the relationship becomes unbalanced, thus with one person doing all the emotional work they start feeling 'depleted'. This is not how successful relationships on any level work over the long term as it creates negative emotions leaving you feeling lost and at times resentful. I know I needed to stop fighting so hard to prove I COULD do it ALL on my own, lose the agendas and the complex I had that long term illness had manifested in me and find a new path. I believe that when I started opening up and talking more about what my needs were, asking for help, asking for opinions, that it strengthened the relationships around me. The honesty that comes with putting yourself out there, showing not just the side of you that is good, fantastic, amazing and perfect brings about a more committed and harmonious relationship with those around you. They develop a better understanding of who you are, you feel less misunderstood and hence there is this natural evolution of a gratifying love and friendship created. If you are like I was, just let go. Take down the mask that shows people you are always great. Let people see the real you and give them the chance to be there for you as you no doubt want to be there for them. Experience AUTHENTIC relationships that evolve from here and note how taking that little bit of pressure off yourself to always be a certain way in front of others is refreshing. This is just another step in the healing journey of acceptance, gratitude and growth. #help #decision #authenticrelationship #complex #askforopinion

  • Detoxifying

    What an important step in becoming well! I remember being fearful, for want of a better word, of always remaining the same way. I doubted everything I did and was not very forgiving of myself at all. Being wounded (unwell) is like that though. You lose your clarity and your wholeness of being and the shadows so easily overcome your mind creating this constant questioning of yourself and your actions. It tricks you into believing what is not real and that anything you think is valid, is but a lie and that you are not lovable. I think you then self-sabotage in that feeling of lacking, possibly without even realizing sometimes! I was fortunate and found the strength to break the cycle, to find this as a reason for growth and to be a better version of myself. We all are flawed! I don't care who you are or what position you hold in this world, we all to some degree are not 100% perfect and have room for growth and self improvement. I guess on my personal journey my thoughts were the first thing I detoxified, letting go of the negativity. Learning to believe I am worthy of more, that my purpose here was yet to be discovered. Next I implemented an eating plan through some recommendations I had received. I eliminated some considerable food groups from my day to day eating. This was difficult, at the time due to not feeling well but staying focused on the big picture was what kept me going. In all fairness I noticed some almost immediate results from eating cleanly. It was a lot of work to manage initially but really, what was more important than being well? For me, nothing! I cooked and prepared meals like I had never done before, the learning curve was pretty huge but well worth it. The biggest 'withdrawal' I had at the time was cutting out sugar. I craved sugar for up to 6 weeks, oh, what a relief when the withdrawals stopped! My taste buds adjusted and for all that I introduced and all that I eliminated I felt so very much better, continually, day after day! This had not happened in more years than I could remember!! It was very encouraging and made my goals so much easier to work toward. With feeling physically better and having a new mental clarity that I had not before experienced I was on top of the world, I was realizing my purpose and felt like I belonged here on the earth, that I had a place after all. This made me more determined than ever. The next stage of detoxifying is the environment. Replacing the chemicals with natural products. The cleaners, the soaps, the medicines where possible, the personal care products. For me, a combination of reiki treatments and using natural alternatives worked a treat. Reiki is the most remarkable gift and heals the body and soul on all levels. I no longer needed pain killers and to this day still have not had even one synthetic pain killer, this is 16 months after implementing these strategies! I replaced everything I could, learnt to make my own personal products, use essential oils for stress and pain management and found a company that could provide me with organic and plant based household cleaners that work. It is amazing, step by step the improvement I noticed. I know this is still a work in progress and I am still learning but I do recognize and fully appreciate how far I have come. Respecting myself, believing in myself and acting in good consciousness is where I am now. I believe completely that we all can improve ourselves and when the time comes you will know and you will take on the challenges of relearning to eat, clean, think and live without being traumatized by the significant changes to diet and lifestyle. You will act with surety and confidence and you will KNOW, just like I did at that time, that you are on the correct path for YOU. #detoxify #detoxifying #cleaneating #reiki #naturalcleaners #eliminatenegativity

  • Higher Consciousness

    Have you ever stopped to consider how much we do out of fear? Fear of the unknown, fear that it may hurt, fear that we will be judged by others or even fear of knowing who our true self is. Why is it we fear these things? At what point in life is something happening to our minds that we feel we must conform to certain behaviors and lifestyles. Does it come from society? Friends/family and that want and need to fit in? Or perhaps it is just about how we view ourselves and it has nothing to do with any of that. Whatever it is or is not, at some point I believe most of us end up being locked into ways of acting and people and even ourselves expect given responses and functioning in certain ways. Now imagine, what would happen if you completely back flipped and broke free of the constraints. Of everything you THINK you know. I dare you to try, just let go of all the limiting thoughts and beliefs that keep you locked in the space you are now. The biggest belief I let go of at this time was that I was ill. I didn't want it to be that way so I stopped waking up believing it and started telling myself that I was healthy. I dared to step out and breathe in a more authentic me. You may ask at this point ... what if I don't know who I am after all these years? What if you are just a little bit like I was and you feel lost and so detached from the person you once was and you know for a fact that there is no way you are still that same person and then where does that leave you? I will tell you. It leaves you at the very beginning of a new journey. Those first steps out of my 'normal' lifestyle, way of thinking and way of behaving where magical. Letting go of all I believed everyone expected of me to just be ok with me, with all my flaws and all my fabulous bits too. For all the overthinking I did it turns out it was just me expecting that they expected these things, those closest to me unconditionally love who I am in whatever form. I like my own self so much more now without the constant internal conflict raging. It was almost like peeling away layers of an onion skin, with all the protection mechanisms I had put in place. It turns out that it is ok for those that love you to see you not doing well. To be honest with them and yourself (most importantly) and the more you do this the more you let people in and really start expanding into YOU. As I walked this new road of honesty I found I could hear my own intuition, my internal guidance letting me know exactly what I needed. It became easier and easier to be kind to myself, knowing and understanding when I just needed to stop. Not judging myself for pushing harder thinking 'I should ....'. There is no point. If you are not well and you need to heal you need to slow down for a while. Find your higher consciousness through meditation, mindfulness, drawing, sewing (whatever it is that takes you away) or even by finding a quiet beach, or a forest path to meander along. Being in nature and grounding yourself, feel how amazing the difference is when you just let go. Today I dare you to take steps towards releasing those limiting beliefs that keep you in invisible restraints. I know from personal experience what a wondrous and rewarding journey of discovery it is. #limitingbeliefs #trust #invisiblerestraints #judgement #fear

  • Balancing your energy

    When you are looking to improve your circumstances it is important to take measure of your life, of all you do and all that is around you. Take some time to explore what is working and what is not working for you and for where you want to be. It is quite possible that you need to release not only emotional aspects of yourself but also physical aspects of your surroundings to be able to move forward. Repair all that is around you to align you to dreams you have and let go of what is holding you back. I remember a time where I had a dream that I knew somehow, without any doubts, I was going to have to manifest. This was bigger than anything I had ever imagined. It was a dream of flourishing, and it was a matter of changing all that I was and knew to manifest what I wanted. It was assessing what was working in my life and what wasn't working, and there was some very big decisions to be made. Removing relationships that are no longer beneficial to you is not so easy to do, especially if you have known some of these people for what is considered a lifetime, but I knew that if I wanted to achieve my goal it was the only thing to be done. Then there was the physical level. I sold my house and most of what I owned. All the memories, the journey that is your life through material possessions. It was INCREDIBLY difficult to let some of this stuff go but in the end I felt so liberated. It was a feeling I did not expect, to be not be living in any moment but what is the here and now. Be brave. For change to happen you have to be brave, you have to know that beyond anything you believe in yourself and the dreams and plans you are creating for your future. Take the risk to face your fears, I have been there, looked my fears face on and am still here, sane! It is about growth, taking yourself out of the box and changing things up. Start simple, have something different for breakfast, order something other than your most favorite meal on the menu at a different restaurant than the one you always go to! Change old habits, create new more beneficial habits. Wake up in the morning and smile, for no reason just smile and tell the world good morning whether you feel like it or not! These things will start impacting you positively and you manifesting what you want, what you need, will be a happening thing. The other important note to mention today is about preconditioning. I still pull myself up on this one. I find myself reacting to situations because in the past this or that happened and behaviors/responses were created from it. It is in no way relating or appropriate to what is happening now in this current situation, but still, I guess old habits die hard. I work on recognizing when this is happening and try to move out of those preconditioned behaviors/responses to free myself and be a better version of me. No one is perfect, we are fools if we think we are. Life is an ever changing journey and it is imperative that we release what no longer serves us on all levels to keep our energy in balance. #lettinggo #decision #dream #nodoubts #improveyourcircumstances #releasing

  • Set your intention

    What is it you REALLY want, what I wanted more than anything in the world was to feel alive. If, like me, you have experienced the profound difficulties of being ill whilst still trying to manage in a world where you need to run a family, work, look after the household and find the energy to love, laugh and enjoy life you will completely understand what I am saying. I hated that feeling of auto-pilot and the coping mechanisms that would automatically kick in due to the internal struggle that was constant, and I mean constant. A battle in my own mind, what I wanted to do versus what I could physically do. Then there were the repercussions of this that impacted all those around me. No amount of remorse can change the way things have played out in the past, so graciously, we make our apologies where we can and try make good hoping that those that are dearest to us will find it within themselves to understand and accept that we have erred and then ultimately forgive ourselves for treating them and talking to them that way. So, feeling alive was top of my list, to function on all levels. To wake in the morning looking forward to the day. Where you would see your children and be able to dance, play and foolishly be ridiculous with them without the consideration looming over you as to how many *spoons that is using knowing you still need to get through the rest of the day. I more than needed and completely 1000% wanted this change to happen. I was a shadow of who I felt I was destined to be and life felt for the most part, quite pointless. Then I met a lady, she taught me about intentions and opened a world that was like an 'Alice in Wonderland' to me. Sue Green in wonderful, fantastical, evergreen, sunshiny wonderland it was! Everything she said made sense and it was at times even difficult to understand how I hadn't discovered this off my own back. Who knew that something as simple as setting your intention and believing in that beyond everything you know, beyond what you have been told your whole life and beyond everything that logically makes sense actually works. Amazing, truly wondrous it is. My world was open to limitless possibilities and it was at this point I took a fork in the road of life and opened myself to be the best version of me that I could conceivably be. * #settingintentions #limitlesspossibilities #bestversion #autopilot #remorse #forgiveness

  • Releasing - start living today!

    I was surprised when I first started my journey by how much I had kept hidden away, not just from the world but from my own self. The fears, burdens, disappointments and judgement, and not even the judgement from other people but the way I judged myself with the choices that I had made and the resulting actions that had significantly impacted on my life prior to this. I was limited by my own beliefs in my personal self. I had to start somewhere to begin the healing process, so I started with what I remembered first. Now that may sound ridiculous but your subconscious mind has a protection mechanism that will automatically lock away what is too painful, too difficult for you to process for whatever reason. Perhaps you were young and your mind at that point was just not able to process what was going on, or perhaps the whole situation was so violent and confusing that even trying to comprehend what was happening was beyond you at that point. Whatever the reason, quite often we find that in reflection there is clarity, once you start to unlock little pieces of what has significantly impacted you, then you will find that other moments in your life may come forward and present themselves needing to be cleared and released. FREE EBOOK WITH EVERY 'CLEAR NEGATIVE IMPRINTS' SESSION BOOKED - Please state in 'NOTES' at time of booking- Holding on to all of this; what does it do to us exactly? You may think that the mind is just thoughts but the mind is so super powerful. Negativity is like a dark cloak that will wrap itself around you and not let you escape. You will feel anxious, uncomfortable, unhappy and it manifests itself into panic attacks, pain and unreasonable mood swings just to touch the tip of the symptoms you may experience. Ultimately you are trapped, like a victim of your own mind that you are on a terrible merry-go-round ride with. Then you seek help from the medical professionals and tell me, how many of you out there have been told, like me, time after time after time that there is no reason for you to feel this pain, that symptom is phantom because it does not relate to anything, scans, procedures and investigations come back clear and yet you KNOW this is not normal to feel like you are but what is causing it? Negativity. It spirals you down into a reality that is unwelcome and unforgiving. Once I realised this, or perhaps I should say that there was a part of me that did know this already but did not yet fully comprehend how to deal with it, so once I accepted that this was the bigger issue then I could start working towards a happier, more peaceful and capable version of myself. How did I do this? I identified what parts of my life needed attention, not all at once! That would be way to overwhelming, but bit by bit I incorporated positive changes into my daily life, expressions, positive affirmations, kindness to myself (as in, not being so critical of what I did or did not achieve on that day). I would reflect and recognise the feelings that were associated to certain areas of my life, consider these and then work on acceptance. Such a powerful word that. And you know for so many years I knew that acceptance was the key but HOW do you accept something you truly don't like or cannot come to appreciate about your situation? I believe the answer in that is timing. We have lessons to learn and we will be stuck in those unfavourable circumstances until we have learnt those lessons, only then will we find the grace to be able to accept and appreciate why that has happened. From here allow yourself to fully feel the emotions, experience them unashamedly before just letting it all go. If you close your eyes and with your inner eye you can imagine just exuding the black negativity from every cell of your body, everybreath as you allow the cleansing energies to enter your body and refill what you are releasing. Look back then at the issue, reassess it and consider it for a while, you will find there will be new insights, new perspectives that will again be beneficial to you understanding. Always remember as I have, no gesture of this kind is a waste, no matter how small or how big you need to let it go, not forget, but let go of the negativity that eats at you from that so you to can be the best version of yourself possible ... no limits, start living TODAY! #acceptance #selfjudgement #releasing #Negativity #startlivingtoday

  • Body, Mind and Spirit

    You hear this term everywhere; body, mind and spirit but have you stopped to think about what this truly means? In relation to you and to where you are in life? At this point of my life I did just that and what I discovered was quite revolutionary on my road to recovery. I obviously needed to address my health issues within the physical body. To help with this I was fortunate to be put in touch with a lady with the most gorgeous soul who set me on the right track with food and supplements. I thought I was pretty healthy with my eating before this but was grossly unaware of what foods cause inflammation within the gut and over an extended period of time what this can do to your system. Changing the diet was a huge learning curve, I am still learning! I was also made aware of the fact that our physical selves are not only affected by food but also environment. I needed to reduce the toxic overload around me as well. Use more natural products and allow the body to start to heal and thrive as it does given the right opportunities. With this now being managed better I also needed to focus on the mind. If you have read my previous blog you will know that I was doing this by altering my mindset, thinking of myself and the way I worded things differently and using positive affirmations to bring about changes. I was feeling very positive very early in the process, just the fact that I was doing something and it felt so right. Help with spirit was an incredible experience, another lady whom I cannot speak highly enough of, she was a light in the dark and I aspire to do for others what she did for me. Every week we would meet for healings, spiritual healings, and every week it would knock me flat before I felt better. The thing was that despite how difficult it was sometimes, every time I felt better it was at a new level to the week before. I was making progress. I was unlocking something that had been hidden away for way to long .... unlimited potential! Now, team these things with meditation and the ever so important factor of being kind to yourself (something not enough people know the art of) and I believe for the first time ever I was on the right track to being well. If you are reading this and you are where I was, trust, believe and let me help. Reiki healing is amazing but is only going to give you the 'miracle' cure you would like when you team it up with these other factors. I do believe 100% though that everyone has that unlimited potential just waiting to happen, just not everybody has found the person to help them do it ... until now. #Body #mind #spirit #transformation #intuition #patience

  • Be open to everything, attach to nothing

    This was one of the first lessons and possibly one of the most important that I learnt on my journey to good health. I needed to stop believing that I was sick, I needed to start changing my thought processes. I learnt to reword thoughts and conversations to reflect this state of mind. It was no longer going to be a part of my belief system that I was ill, I was detaching from that part of my life. OK, so this wasn't as easy as simply letting go, everyday I was correcting myself and would out loud reword what I was thinking. For example, 'I have been ill for 13 years' became 'I have experienced symptoms of ....' Do not underestimate the power of the mind and how your thoughts impact on your physical self! It is so important to unattach yourself from your limiting beliefs, whatever they are, for when you set your intention true and focus on that you manifest miracles. I am a true believer in this, I have seen and experienced this in my life and stand in awe at the true potential that we individually own. Nurture that potential through an open mind, do not limit yourself with beliefs of society that tell you it will aways be a certain way or that there is nothing you can do about it. Forget everything you think you know and just let go. Be open to everything, attach to nothing and experience the magic of the universe as it opens doors that you never thought possible. #changingthemindset #beliefsystem #lettinggo #symptoms #manifestmiracles #truepotential

  • What Everybody Ought to Know About Good Health

    It was a journey brought about from a magnitudinal desire to want to live, not half live, but to really LIVE. The desire to want to love my life and everything about it. Now don't get me wrong, I had wanted this for a long time but for some unknown reason my brain just did not seem to compute this want into a need ... that was until now. Something just clicked, it was like all of sudden the opportunities and the people that I needed to meet for this journey were presented to me on the most magnificent of platters to lead me into my true potential, the person I am meant to be. It was as easy as making a phone call, that was it. Now I say easy but in actual fact summoning the courage to pick up the phone and dial the number to put myself out there was, needless to say, HUGE. I was terrified I would be judged, laughed at or ridiculed by those around me for doing this. Fortunately though, none of that happened and as it turned out it was the best phone call I ever made. I look back and wonder even now if the people involved truly understand how much I appreciate the part they have played in my journey.. NO MATTER HOW BIG OR SMALL .. for they have all helped me to live again. To me that is priceless and I know for a fact that if you are reading this and you have been or are experiencing symptoms of illness (in any form!) for an extended period of time that you will understand exactly what I mean. Perhaps you are still at the beginning of your own journey and yet to feel that joy of healing, but imagine, close your eyes for a moment and just put yourself in a picture of good health, loving life, waking in the morning and looking forward to the day, every day, and the prospect of what it will have to offer. => Energetic Balance and Aura Healing <= I know when you are unwell, when every day is about 'counting spoons' and stretching your brain to work through the brain fog that it is almost scary to let yourself dream that dream, of being well, but TRUST, have FAITH that if you dare to dream you will undoubtedly find a way to make that dream come true. You just need to want it bad enough. In the meantime connect with people you resonate with, that are like minded and are prepared to go out on a limb, support what may seem like a crazy idea for the betterment of ones self. BODY ... MIND .... SOUL Embrace the journey, be brave like I was and experience what life truly can offer you when given the opportunity! #symptomsofillness #extendedperiod #journey #goodhealth #lovinglife

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