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  • El Morya - Awakening Presence

    The Universe is with you. Wear a cloak of protection and love. Dear ones, We are in a time of great energy shifts and as much as some of you are aware of this many of you do not realise and understand the impact this energy is having upon you. In this time of upheaval you are going to find that there is all sorts going on, for some of you there will begin an awakening to your Divine self whilst for others who are already aware of who they are within the light you will experience much coming forward in the way of emotional trauma to be released, discontentment and a drive to move forward and really embrace your path, your destiny. Others still may find that there is such a fluctuation of emotions around them, within their children and themselves that they do not know if they are coming or going. So how can you effectively work with these energies to help yourself in the present situation? You must shield. Protect yourself on a psychic level. Imagine wearing my cloak of protection and love and feel the stability and strength this brings as you go through your day. This mental protection of ones self is very under utilized and people must start to take a stand to help themselves through this. I am here with the angels to assist in this whenever anyone asks. I urge you to call on me to help you with this. You will feel the difference and you will understand soon enough the importance of making this a daily practice for you and for your children. About El Morya El Morya is a spiritual name that was given to protect the identity of Ranbir Singh, a spiritually aware man born into a powerful family that ruled Kashmir (a region in the Indian subcontinent) in the 19th century. It is said that he interceded both spiritually and physically to stop the British invasion of the region in 1845. This wise soul is now able to help us remove any energy from our life that is not serving our connection to God. He is a wonderful guide to call on if we are unsure if something is real or not. He helps awaken our I AM presence, which is our truest connection to our soul and to the universe itself. #Energyshifts #psychicprotection #ElMorya #Sheilding #fluctuationofenergy

  • ...and Relax

    So I am sitting here in quiet reflection ... I am at the coffee shop. I find detaching myself from home, from the environment where I feel I am pressured (in my own head!) to constantly be moving and achieving something, can be beneficial. I know there is noise and hussle and bustle about but in all fairness it is almost a comforting background distraction. Just being out, the music playing. What do I see, what do I notice as I sit here, if I look up and reflect on the activity around me ... the baristas busy talking, taking orders and making conversation, the young mums enjoying each other's company as their children sleep in the pram or fiddle with whatever toy they bought with them today. I see another couple laughing and engrossed so much in each other that my heart warms and then there are those people that are just waiting there for their beverage to be made. It isn't busy here today but I kinda like it like that as I switch off and let it all just be there in the background as I focus here on writing while sipping my coconut milk latte. Happy days .... So how many of you reading this, I wonder, take this time for yourself. Are you in a situation where you can make it happen and do? Or maybe don't just because you do not feel that it is your thing. What is your thing? That is the question really isn't it, finding that place where you can just mellow without the outside pressures for a little while to let your mind relax into a place where you can let go. I do believe that it is very underutilized this concept of 'letting go', that many do not for fear of not getting enough done, of thinking they 'should' be here or 'should' be there or 'should' see this family or those friends. It is all good to think about these but what about the balance of what you 'want' in all that? Should is one of those words that I relate to with some very negative connotations, it comes with much personal pressure that is unnecessary. How can you turn that 'should' around though when you feel that you really do need to do all these things? And when your whole life is about 'I should' how much personal satisfaction is there in that for you? I remember living my life in this context, I admit at the time I was in a much more negative and destructive place than where I am now. I worked hard to change not just the speech patterns but thought patterns to help me move forward into a better place and find where I can fit what I need into my day and achieve without the pressures building to constantly feel like I am only doing it out of obligation. This is important! Everything links together and the importance of finding that balance in your life with everything that goes on around you is imperative for your own journey. The last thing any of us want is to feel like a constant slave to life and the circumstances around us. So ok, what if all this makes sense but you actually do have such difficult extenuating circumstances that it seems completely ludicrous to be able to live life any other way. What then? How can someone work with that? Well, to be honest, this is when you need to look for external help. The brain and our emotions are a funny thing really. Often what we perceive and how we perceive it can be molded and shaped by the underlying negativity that presses on our soul. That which you cannot see. Have you ever noticed how when you wake after a good day everything feels easier, all the challenges and trials do not seem nearly as imposing on us as when our mood is dark. Those days it does not matter how hard you try or work at it nothing will come together for you. OPEN YOURSELF TO THE POSSIBILITY OF FEELING GOOD CLEAR NEGATIVE IMPRINTS TODAY So this leads on to the thought, what do you realise you are carrying around and what are you not aware of? What if I could help you recognise this and release it? It is not such madness to think that those blocks and pressures can be lifted and cleared, to allow your body to heal from past soul experiences. The weight that is lifted, the trauma and past experiences that have imprinted on your soul that continue to drag you down and make life difficult for you. It is almost just like having some sense that there are invisible barriers and blocks that are in your way ... that is what I can sense, I can see that frees you to live your life unencombered. I am a huge believer in freeing the soul of restraints to release physical, mental and emotional pain and trauma. It has seriously got to be such an underated process that I truly wish everyone was open to experience. Until you do you do not fully comprehend the value in this. If you are interested in knowing more, and it may be for yourself or perhaps a child that seems unusually unsettled or angry, think past the 'logical' and dig deeper. Send me a message to find out more, you have so much to gain for such a minimal cost. I would really like to challenge you all to want to be better and to face those blocks to move into a reality that works for you, into a reality where life is one of balance and connection to your true self and to the relationships around you. Stay amazing everyone, open yourself to the unlimited possibilities of thinking outside the square and watch how everything really is going to be ok with the right help xx #Relaxandtaketime #Putyourselffirst #Prioritising #Releasenegativity #Clearnegativeimprints

  • Destiny of Light

    Are you or your children very intuitive, empathic and sensitive to the environment around you? Have a read through here, these are the soul groups that form those that work for the Light, the good of humanity. Many of us will have difficult paths to walk and troubling lessons to learn in the process of 'remembering' who we are, why we are here and how we are meant to best utilize our skills to help others. If you do believe you or your child 'fit' and wish to know more I strongly encourage you to contact me, I can help. RAINBOW CHILDREN Such a long road full of trials and hardship that comes in many forms to work through and learn from before they awaken to their gift. These lessons ARE important for them to learn to be able to give back to humanity and be the role model that will inspire and bring out the best in others. When they are at full potential there will be no mistaking how and where their service within the Divine light lies. As with all Universal Children they MUST keep purifying. Releasing ego, releasing negativity. Remember all that has been experienced to realise the lessons that where to be learnt and what they then personally can bring forth from this. If you are a Rainbow Child then take a moment to appreciate, do not EVER underestimate the importance in the commitment that you made as an individual, to come to Earth in this context to help. Now is your time to remember. CRYSTAL CHILDREN They love, they laugh, they bring peace and joy. They are gifted and have a special place within humanity as they radiate a vibration that just has everyone around them feeling amazing. What they learn over the years of awakening to their gift is dark but this is required to give them balance, to understand just how amazing life is. If you are a Crystal Child then do not hold back, there is a reason why there is a learning curve, why you are not born with 100% connection. You need to be ready on a soul level ... you will know, you will be drawn to it. You will have a thirst to just be in that place. That is when you know that your time to step up is now. BLUERAY CHILDREN They are uniquely different in that they perceive and process information in a very individual way. What they potentially bring to the world when they open 100% to their gifts is of great benefit to humanity. They will feel a pull, a need to see other ways to bring about good health and as such those that are blessed to be in their presence and working within their scope of capabilities will benefit profoundly. These children have learnt the hard way through trials in life and have the purest of hearts and intentions. Should humanity give these souls an opportunity to be with them and work with them they can and will benefit considerably. Gifted in healing but this healing does not come as doctors, nurses or even vets, often presenting itself left of center using divine modalities to come in the 'backroads' to bring about miraculous changes for people in the way the see, feel and do things. Individually they are unique yet in saying that to summarize the Bluerays is to say they are dauntless, giving, efficient, humble and patient. They are responsible and understanding, unselfish and always trustworthy. HOW MUCH POTENTIAL DO YOU HAVE? WHAT SOUL GROUP DO YOU BELONG TO? HOW DO YOU MOVE FORWARD FROM WHERE YOU ARE? >> BOOK A LOW COST CONSULT TODAY << STARSEED CHILDREN These children are so gifted and in tune from just after birth. What they see, know and absorb is astounding and beyond the comprehension of most parents. This can lead to them becoming troubled, over anxious and/or extremely sensitive bringing forth a myriad of other problems that then lead to them ultimately shutting down their gift. If parents could recognise the gift in these children, such pure souls, and nurture, shield and work with them from a young age then we would have a society of particularly beautiful, loving and gifted souls among us. As they grow and embrace their gifts they very much resonate at a frequency that draws people to them unconsciously. Just by being around these souls people feel better. Remarkable is one way to describe who and what these souls are and they have in good faith have come to earth with astounding gifts to WANT to create a better future for humanity. If you are a Starseed Child then encourage, nurture and work with these gifts. Open yourself and embrace all that you know and feel and learn how to use this massive amount of emotion and feeling you experience for the highest good of yourself and all those around you. INDIGO CHILDREN Often troubled by so many previous lifetimes of lessons they come to this world with incredible psychic perception. Of all the Divine children they are the most psychically gifted from so very young making this world they come into often confusing, especially when those around them are not understanding what exactly they are seeing, hearing, feeling and experiencing. The challenge they set for themselves as a soul working for the Divine before entering our world is unique to the other soul groups, the significance is in the gifts that they are born with and the underlying soul memories of so many lives and often so much trauma carried forward. This is why many of these children/adults are more serious, it is the knowledge of the universe they carry within them and this is a weight to be carried for the understanding does not come with it until they consciously choose to start releasing and working toward opening to their full ability, their ultimate potential. If you are an Indigo child you are a valuable asset to the existence of humanity, your resonance and purpose here is far greater than you at this time perceive. Set yourself the challenge to be more, to embrace this gift you have and to step boldly into the knowledge that is lying dormant within. There is something profound that needs to be shared and yet I feel it is only you, the Indigo child, that can access this when you open completely, 100% to your full potential. #Rainbowchild #CrystalChild #BluerayChild #StarseedChild #IndigoChild

  • Infinite Abundance

    Channeled from Lord Ganesh Abundance can be yours, do not doubt this. With the right mind set and releasing the underlying negativity you can proclaim to work with me in all my infinite wisdom to bring forth the lifestyle and joy in all things great and small. If you are willing to understand the universal influences and see past the veil of the materialistic world you will then begin to understand the bigger picture and how all the seemingly unimportant details of life are, in fact, huge. All that most overlook in their greed to have and want more. Take a step back and resonate in a space of pure simplicity, releasing all and attaching to nothing around you. Free your soul of what you think you desire and just imagine that happiness comes completely from within. When you are here, when you find this place ... this is where truth is. This is where abundance begins to form and this is the place where you need to start expanding out from to emanate these energies out into the world, rippling through the universe gaining momentum for all of the Divine forces to see, hear and feel and in turn bringing back to you what it is with your innermost desires. Answered and bought about not perhaps as you imagine but still, as we work behind the scenes to answer your call it is being woven, all the intricacies of timing and life to bring about this abundance for you. Call on me and work with me and I will assist you in this, show you the way. I will open your eyes to what true beauty looks like and feels like as we co create a future so remarkable for you. About Lord Ganesh Lord Ganesh, also known as Ganapataye, is the Hindu elephant-headed god. The son of Lord Shiva and the goddess Parvati, legend says he received his elephant head as a replacement after his father sliced his human one off when he mistook him for an intruder. Ganesh is acknowledged as the lord who removes obstacles. Ganesh is a sweet-toothed, life-loving, joyful, dancing and very approachable god. He will use his light to weave a perfect path for you. -Kyle Gray #Abundance #LordGanesh #Ganapataye #Lettinggo

  • Conquer from within

    You know, sometimes it does not matter how intuitive you are, there are still doubts. It is that conflict that resounds between the logical mind and the knowing, the faith you have in the messages you hear and receive. It can be difficult when nothing logically adds up to what you know is going on and yet you do know, intuitively without a shadow of a doubt that the messages you are receiving are spot on and accurate. It is practicing to NOT second guess yourself, to move out of the doubt, and despite all that does not make any sense logically ... just letting it go to ride the wave of faith that has thus for not done you wrong. I guess there is a part of this that can be really isolating, if you are the only one in the short term that can see and understand what you know. It is, in this place, time to bring forth your own personal self reliance to just ride what ever the circumstances are until all comes forward for the rest of the world to understand. In saying this they may not grasp the full depth of knowledge and understanding on the situation like you do but they will manage to adjust and trust that what you have seen, is in fact, the truth. So, be still for the short term, keep learning and understanding for your own sanity more so than for everyone else's. The moment will come, but in the meantime create solid foundations of strength for this path you are on and have committed to and take the information and circumstances given to you and just 'be'. Nothing more or less. The time will come for you to step forward and intuitively you will know when this is. The remarkable thing about being still is the clarity. When you stop and just reside with all that is going on around you there is suddenly so much more insight to gain. We can worry, get anxious, stress and keep pushing constantly but it does not help anyone, most of all our-self. All we do in these times is bring more doubt and lacking self-worth thoughts from others as they project their lack of understanding upon you. This is the conflict isn't it. Knowing and understanding and yet nobody else having that same perspective ... but stillness, time and space will bring forth what it is you want. Clarity, understanding and faith from everyone around you. Ultimately our sense of who we are and what we are to the people around us comes down to the choices we make and when we make them. Intuition is incredible, use it as your compass to lead you. If you find yourself in circumstances and/or situations that are left of center and not what is openly 'acceptable' to the wider community then bide your time and listen to your intuition as to when and how to approach everyone and everything to maximize not only your own self-worth and sense of belonging but also to minimize the stress, anxiety and worry of second guessing due to all those around you not seeing what you do. #Learntobestill #Keepingyoursanity #nothingislogical #secondguessing #Intuitionandthebenefits

  • Foretelling the future uncovered..

    Have you ever wondered about all those different forms or future telling techniques? Have a read through and understand more concisely just how accurate they are and what they really mean. PREMONITION Seeing an event or some sort of circumstance play out before you before it happens. This event is not set in stone, it is shown to you so you can take steps to either play it out as stated or change it. Generally when shown a premonition it is a set of circumstances that is non-beneficial to you or others around you so the option to adjust the outcome is a favorable one. A premonition holds about 70% accuracy. PROPHECY Generally some sort of event that is forecast for the future that is coming into play for the good of humanity. These come through as visions and messages strongly to those that can receive them. These events cannot and should not be changed in any way. Messages of this sort are 100% accurate. FUTUROLOGY This is based on predictions made through spirit and angel messages, these come to us through tools like the pendulum and an alphabet chart or by using a Ouija board to connect to the other side. Messages received this way are 75 – 80% accurate. PRECOGNITION Precognition is about knowing an outcome of a situation before it happens. There is no other tools or methodology here, it is simply a ‘knowing’. This understanding of situations and what is going to come forth is about 85% accurate. RELEASE ANXIETY, WORRY AND NEGATIVITY THAT IS IMPACTING ON YOU NOW CRYSTAL BALL GAZING A beautiful gift that allows you to see premonitions bought forth from the Angels. ALL messages received through the crystal ball are Angelic sent and shown to guide you and work with you in your highest good. A pure and divine form of working with the Angels. RUNE STONES When using rune stones to predict the future outcome of something you will get about 80% accuracy on the reading you receive. To work with rune stones in this way you must focus your thoughts on the event you would like to foretell and then use the rune stones in a spread of 5 to predict the circumstances leading up to, then during and finally, the outcome of the event. Your rune stone spread in more detail: 1. Your present situation 2. What you need to do to prepare 3. Energies leading up to 4. Most likely event play out 5. The outcome #Crystalballgazing #Pemonitions #Prophecy #Futurology #Precognition #Runestones

  • Love and Encouragement

    Dear Ones, We see many of you stepping forward and embracing your gifts and yet feel many of you are still very hesitant to believe, to see the validity of what it is within you. For those of you blessed with potential to shine in line with the angelic realm you need to know that ultimately this is a course that you personally chose. Before time existed you chose this path to better help humanity. There are trials, confusion and feelings of being judged and not fitting in along this road you chose but when you release these feelings to us, let us help you process and work with them you discover that person you always wanted to be. You will never feel whole completely until you decide to take that step. When you allow yourself to fully be embraced by what we can do for you, when you ask for our help, discover in that moment how it is not a road traveled at a the slow pace of a porcupine meandering but rather we lift you and you will fly. literally take off and it will be a very fast awakening into a potential that many of you have not yet realised or are only touching the very edges of. Work together, Share your stories among each other to help, to aspire to be more. Every soul on this earth is valuable, you all have your purpose and you all resonate with a gift to shine and be more if you aspire to be so. We urge you not to sit back and just accept a second best reality but instead face the fears, release the negativity and shine in brilliance that will not just completely change your life but the lives of all those that you come in touch with around you. Ask us for help. Talk to us daily. Be grateful for all that comes your way. Smile more, frown less. Look for the signs we leave you - shapes in the clouds, recurring numbers, a feather, a song or conversation synchronistically happening at that moment you happened to be thinking or needing to hear something. We are your willing servants, heaven sent to assist you. #angelmessage #Love #encouragement #confusedandalone #embracewhoyouare

  • Inspiration just ahead..

    I am wondering how long the majority of us search for meaning in our life. For the most part we fall into a routine of what is conventional and follow a pre-laid path to a future that is generally the most expected of us. It is a curious thing though how this path that we follow is so often not the one that surrounds us with the people, with the support that we truly need and hence lends us to a downhill decline of dissatisfaction and quite often illness. What is it that makes us so reluctant to follow our dreams? I think today's society is actually much more forgiving when it comes to stepping out of the 'normal' day to day routine. I wonder where we would be at this point in our lives if we had, from the very beginning, had the wisdom to surround ourselves with people that were like 'wise teachers' and friends who's thinking was akin to our own and hence create guidelines and rules that were most beneficial for us to achieve clarity, purpose, internal peace and happiness .... yes, from way back then! Not having to start over when we reach adulthood because we have blundered through from one mistake to another not listening to our inner guidance system at all and learning all our lessons the hard way. When we finally get to that point in life though where we realise all that we have been through and learnt, after all of life's lessons through the trials, the pain and the heartache I do feel that we appreciate it SO much more. I am positively sure that there is something to be said for doing it the hard way! It is at this point we can make a logical and educated choice to improve and change who and what we are to move forward. RELEASE NEGATIVITY PERMANENTLY WITH A 'CLEAR NEGATIVE IMPRINTS' SESSION IT IS TIME TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE FREE EBOOK 'STEPPING INTO THE LIGHT' WITH EVERY SESSION BOOKED It is at this point we look to others to share with and help them to see just how valuable they are to the world. Like someone has just turned on the light bulb and you can clearly see all around you where everything fits and how that is going to then benefit yourself and others, this new authentic you that has arisen ... kind of like the phoenix from the ashes, recreating life to begin a new journey. Often we do not see the qualities in ourselves until we have that need to help somebody else, to be there at the right time with the right words ... this guides us in the correct direction by finding inner strength and confidence to grow and recognize the qualities and knowledge we have gained from what we have been through. This person that brings this out in us is absolutely a divine gift from the Universe to give us a nudge in the direction we need to go to reach our greatest potential. Your time is here, if you are reading this and it is leaving you thinking and reflecting upon your own path, as mine has already, then stand up and take your place. Guide, make plans and be that somebody who is considered a mentor, friend and confidant. I know when I began my journey to wellness the people that played this role in my life were invaluable. It is when these people enter our lives ... or on the other hand, you enter someone else's life, that the beauty of being able to (what appears as magically) manifest and see the closure of one story and the beginning of the next story of our lives will happen. Everything falls into place and the culmination of life's lessons and knowledge that we have acquired has us prepared and ready for the successful (in whatever form that comes for you, be it good health, wealth, contentment, enlightenment etc) road ahead. #meaningoflife #followyourdreams #painandheartache #innerstrength #highestpotential

  • Shamanism simplified..

    Have you ever wondered what Shamanism really is? I am not sure what stories or articles you have read in the past but today I am going to share with you my take on it. It's a breath, a feeling ... it is knowing the energies that flow and exist beyond what we can physically see with our eyes. It is understanding that all is connected through vibration, through an energy that is raw and authentically organic in its most beautiful form. To experience and understand this fully you must start with letting go of judgement and thoughts that will not let you believe in the 'impossible. In cultural times many used a sweat lodge to purify mind, body and soul of all unnecessary clutter. In today's society you can consider this and without the rituals take time to clear your outer environment, clear your mind and then journey within to discover and touch that spark that lies, for most, dormant. Excess clutter and noise is detrimental to finding the clarity you need to connect to these energy frequencies. Detoxify every part of your existence, note how this gives you clearer access to the creator himself to hear and understand the messages that are there yet remain, as yet, untouched and unheard. As you detoxify every level of your existence (mind body and soul) you will also see how there is a shift and it starts to make amends to relationships, forgiving ones own self, forgiving others, releasing all toxicity in your inner being, your attitudes, your environment and the people around you. Through doing this you begin opening yourself up to your ancestors, a communication network that connects through your eternal existence and higher self, to help you hear and understand what it is you already know but have been blinded up until now to see. Call on this energy and frequency. In nature you can connect more easily to all the energy frequencies with greater ease, you can exist as one when you close your eyes and let go of all ... just be one with and listen, feel, resonate in a space that is so beautiful here. FIND INNER PEACE - SOMETIMES WE NEED HELP TO RELEASE CLEAR NEGATIVE INFLUENCES TODAY In this place you find courage, life and the core essence of perspective to the flow and a reality that is profoundly real but seen or felt by so few. You will experience the energy through all that is around you, the feeling of awe and power of knowledge that is within an ancient earth. As you walk through life with this new perspective you will begin to understand and sense the changing landscapes, feel empowered knowing that with the help of not only your ancestors but your spirit animal guides walking beside you that there are no barriers. The only thing holding you back at this point is you. Life is there waiting, the energies of Grandmother Earth, of Mother Nature ... the energies that link us to the north south east and west and then the other energies of earth air fire and water, the power of the sun, the stars and the moon. It is profound what is around us when you just let go and open yourself to what is rightfully yours to embrace. This is the path of profound revelation and healing. If this is the path you are wanting to open yourself to then I encourage you to actively create a shift in your life and step forth, expand your horizons and get out into nature.. Find that place where you release all that binds you to just reach out to these auspicious guides, spirit animals and energies around us and learn to live, like waking for the first time in your life, to the reality of what is real. Connecting the breath, the energies, the feelings and understanding how with this all intertwined you can work with and co create in time, space and reality; heal yourself and others using the knowledge and gifts from the universe that exist all around us. #shamanism #elementalenergy #spiritanimals #grandmotherearth #mothernature

  • I bet you didn't know this!

    A form of divination yet one not as widely used as tarot or oracle cards. It foretells differently to the cards. Using rune stones you can more effectively delve into forecasting future events strategically being aligned by the universe. True, you can use tarot and oracle for this but it will not allow the clarity and accuracy that the rune stones offer. Comparatively, using rune stones will give you roughly 80% certainty where as in the same situation tarot and oracle will provide a 20% certainty. They are mad up of 24 runes, each symbolizing a Celtic symbol, a language not widely known but still very powerful. The roots of of rune stones stem back to 342,212,050BC, which dates them to be much older than tarot which has only been about since 12,353,200bc! I say 'only' but in one way or another that is still a long time! Rune stones were originally created by a tribal man born with the name Siq Rider. He was taken in to the kings court when just 2 years old after an aggressive raid killed the rest of his tribe and was renamed Victor. He privately practiced divination for the king to help foretell events of raids, wars and natural disasters. It was kept under wraps and privately practiced as this was a time when witchcraft and magic was frowned upon. The unknown forces of divination had to be used and kept under very protected sources, hence at this time Victor was known in the castle as the jester, an effective disguise and well suited to his comical personality. Victor was gifted and through his ability to communicate with the Angels created these stones with their guidance. Through the use of his talents in clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognizence he learned how to use and utilize them as they became the first effective divination tool easily learnt and used without special 'gifts'. Rune stones over the years have remained consistent and reliable to use. You will find them created from rocks, gem stones, wood, plastic and other artificial materials. Those made from Grandmother Earth will resonate differently to artificial man made ones and you will find that the more you use them the more you will understand and see the value in what they offer. FAST FACT: Did you know that RUNE means Secret? How fitting!! #Runestones #Wheredidrunestonesoriginate #Usingrunestones #Celticlanguage #communicatewithangels

  • Keep Calm & use Crystals! ¦ How to Clear & Recharge to be beneficial

    They shield and protect us, heal us, centre us and connect us to clear thinking, to intuitive knowing, to releasing limiting and sabotaging behaviours and thoughts (just to name a few of the benefits!). They are a blessing, a gift from Gaia, they are, when used correctly, able to help you manifest a reality you want and desire. They come in all colours, shapes and sizes but the question we are focusing on today is ... Have you cleansed and re-energised them? These gorgeous stones that resonate with so many of us can be a blessing and a curse. When cleansed and recharged they offer us so much support but if not they can actually do more harm than good. Crystals are energy, they omit energies and absorb them. have you ever noticed your crystals starting to look dense? Changing colour? Getting cracks through them? This means they have done their job and absorbed what energies they can but are full. At this point they actually start overflowing and omitting the heavy non-beneficial energies back out to you! That is not obviously not good at all. ATTUNE TO THE ENERGY AND RESONANCE OF CRYSTALS EXPERIENCE HUGE BENEFITS WHEN USING & ALIGNING WITH THEM So, the big question is ... How do you cleanse your crystals and how often should it be done? Every 2 -4 weeks! If you are using them for more specific reasons aligned to recovering from an energy healing session, from illness or trauma etc then I would recommend once a week How to cleanse (choose one of the following): Sit them in normal white table salt for 1-2 hr Pass them through incense smoke for about 10 min Place in salt water (including the ocean) for 1-2 hr, note this is not suitable for ALL crystals Use reiki with the intention to clear, cleanse and recharge to be beneficial If you work with a pendulum you can use this working with the intention to clear, cleanse and recharge to be beneficial How to energise (choose one of the following): Sit in normal tap water for 10 min Place in the sunshine or moonlight, this is dependent on the crystal and you may need to research to know what it needs Use reiki or your pendulum with the intention to energise the crystals beneficially So I suggest if you haven't done so, get busy and see how doing this simple process helps the moods and energies of yourself and the atmosphere around you! If you are looking to learn more about crystals and the benefits they offer then check out my Facebook page HERE or my Instagram page HERE for the 'Gemstone of the Week' post that is published every Sunday #Cleansecrystals #EnergizeCrystals #Crystals #howtocleansecrystals #howtorechargecrystals #attunetocrystals

  • Every Day is a Second Chance

    Often in life we will be absolutely con-fuddled by road blocks. They often come in the form of trauma. We experience this trauma in many different ways, we also individually process and work with the resulting issues very uniquely. Naturally no two people are the same so it makes sense that this would be the case. The question is ... does it have to remain an issue and can it be worked forward from? I will tell you straight up that YES, it definitely can be but the main ingredient here for this to happen is your willingness to let go and desire to open yourself to the possibilities of something more. Anything is possible if you do this. Lets look at this more concisely... trauma comes in all forms: Accident Injury Death of a loved one Death of a pet Drug or alcohol abuse Illness Lost love Medical reaction Persecution Possession Sexual abuse Suicide Surgery Vaccination War These things they scar us not only mentally but physically. It is a downward spiral where suddenly our personal creativity is blocked, that inspiration and desire to do and be something amazing just seems to disappear. The sense of wonder that the world should be offering is gone and as a result we neglect all that is most vital to our existence. We almost forget what it is to like to live and instead create a second option that radiates living at a sub standard level just because it may be too hard, too complex or too confusing to know where to go or how to start working your way back to where you want to be. This is a terrible place to be, like an internal war that only you can fight. It is up to your personal strength and will power to make those decisions to want to better yourself and then actually action it. I know it isn't easy! I also know how rewarding it is when you find the strength to take those steps and work through to find the results you desire. Until you get to that point though there will be issues. They manifest in many different ways, they open themselves up in the forms of abuse and anger, they affect your belief system, your body image and then will create ripple effects that radiate out to your career/job. You may find you suddenly just start collecting clutter (emotionally and physically), you become very controlling, grasping onto whatever you can to make sense of this life that is suddenly lacking. It may manifest into bad habits where you start cutting, become fearful of all that is around you. Suddenly finances and money are strained and your diet suffers, you resonate in an area where material greed is important and hate starts to creep in as an unhealthy thought of what is happening around you. This whole time you start having trouble sleeping, insomnia kicks in and all this culminates to affect your health, home and your tolerance of sensory stuff around you becomes almost unbearable. What is really going on here to create all this though? Sure there has been trauma and sure there is this other internal battle on but logically there must be more right? Well, yes, you are right. A lot of possible causes that contribute to ill health include bacteria in your system, your diet ... so many people are intolerant to many foods without even realizing. This creates havoc within your system that many just accept as the way their body is. WRONG. It does not have to be like this. A well functioning body works efficiently. Your emotions and feelings can sway the way you physically feel, sometimes the causes lie much deeper and is at a cellular level, locked away in your cellular memory from past generations that you may not even be aware of. Many people have candida and have no idea how this is damaging their stomach and small intestines, it inhibits proper digestion and damages the stomach wall leading onto many other issues. Others deal with parasites in the large intestine, some carry toxins, virus's or just massive amounts of negativity that weigh so heavily on them they cannot pull themselves out of what is happening. What many do not realise is that it is simply the water they are drinking that is poisoning them. The heavy metal toxicity in water in some places is crazy and when that builds up over time, absorbing constantly into your system you are subjecting yourself to illness on a long term basis. The most common metals in the water are iron, lead, nickel, silver and tin. How do you know if this is causing you issues though? Some of the possible indicators of metal toxicity are: Allergies Depression Drowsiness Joint pain Joint stiffness Join swelling Neuritis Schizophrenia Smoking cigarette Vision disturbances White lines on nails These toxicity levels also cause our PH levels to become more acidic and hence creating all sorts of extra stress on our internal organs. For some this also contributes along with the stress, anxiety and other issues we have discussed to have your hair thin and fall out as your skin organ is becoming damaged and more fragile. CHRONIC, TERMINAL & MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS FIND FREEDOM & HEAL TODAY >>FREE CONSULT << It does NOT have to stay this way. Any of it! There is a better way, a gentle way to heal and become whole. To believe in who you are and to put that extremely difficult situation behind you as a memory that you can then use as a step to appreciating all the wonders of the world again. I was chronically ill for over 13 years, it is not good but by the grace of the Divine I have found a gift, learnt what I need and now only wish to share that with all those that open their mind and believe in themselves enough to take a leap of faith. Anything can be healed, emotional or physical as long as it is done cumulatively on all levels. MIND | BODY | SOUL I am a huge believer that if you have faith and believe completely in what you want to achieve that anything is possible. We are limited only by our imaginations and the restraints that we consciously and sometimes unconsciously put on ourselves. Bring your experiences and challenges in line, lets work on them together. Be positive, focus your energies on where you ultimately want to be, not where you are. Feel inspired to make long term plans where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will be able to fulfill, that you will look forward to and step into the dreams that you want to be a reality. This is totally achievable with my help. Please, I ask you to just release doubt and embrace the greater universal energies to work in your favor. It is only logical when all other options have been tried and tested and NOTHING has worked that you look at what else you may be missing. That you perhaps extend your perspective to resonate within a different realm and see how others are achieving that good health that you keep hearing about it. It truly makes no difference if it is a mental or physical health issue. Whether it is short term or long term, why would you NOT find another way to exist if what you have been doing thus far has not worked for you. Your greatest gift to the world and to the people around you is to be your true authentic self ... find that person underneath the layers of trauma and illness and shine again. Book a FREE illness consult today and see how I can help. This is your first step, that is honestly the BIGGEST step on this journey you need to commit to, after that, its all uphill! #Curecandida #Intestinalparasites #Chronicillnesscure #Terminalillnesscure #Mentalhealthcure

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