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  • What is a Crystal Child?

    They are joy, they are love. They are a gift from the heavens to bring more laughter into the world. These children remain mostly unaware of their gift until the age of 18 years old. Leading up to this can be a traumatic and taxing time for them with regards to mental anguish and 'luck' not appearing to be on their side. They are at this point learning compassion, resilience and open-heartedness. The lessons must be lived to be able to appreciate what they will have when the 'gift' is unlocked in them. Coming through the change continues to be challenging with feelings often felt like confusion as they do not understand what is going on within themselves. This is a temporary state that leads to confidence and clarity in their own personal self. Some, out of confusion, will block their gift and this leaves them listless and wondering what is 'missing' as they go through life. As these children open themselves to their gift more they find the universe is on their side. Positive energies that manifest good fortune, abundance and joy for them. Opportunities present where previously there were none and as a steam roller effect they become a shining example in society of joy, happiness, freedom of self and love. Others naturally radiate toward them as their kindness and generosity is openly given. They truly are a gift, healing humanity with the most basic of human needs ... companionship. If you feel you or one of your children are a Crystal Child and would like to confirm this please book in for a free consultation on my services page or connect with me through my Airmeith Facebook page. I can help you to step into your gift and create the clarity and understanding you need. #Crystalch #Cosmickid #universalchildren #psychicgift #joy

  • Who are the Universal Children?

    I have noticed how a lot of people refer to these Universal Children as 'Starseeds' but this is in fact confusing for it is a soul category separate to the others, I fondly think of us all as 'cosmic kids'! There are 5 different categories of Cosmic Kids, all with a unique purpose on this planet. 1. Starseed Children Open to their gift in the first few months of life. They are extremely intuitive and feel so much of what is going on around them leaving them at times overwhelmed and struggling to cope. This can create an environment that leaves them uncomfortable and unsettled. As parents it is difficult to know what to do and how to help unless you know and comprehend the gift your child is opening too. All Starseed children have blue eyes and a falcon power animal by their side. The life purpose of a Starseed child is to help others. Their amazing empathy lends them to incredible insight and understanding of situations, themselves and other people. 2. Indigo Children Are born with their gift. They have an ability to communicate with their Guides and Angels from the beginning. Around 60% of these children will block this gift due to not understanding what is going on, usually around 2 years old. They will then begin to reawaken around the age of 30, this is like a catalyst in their DNA that will initiate this process. Despite blocking the gift they do continue to have a psychic connection with the spirit realm. All Indigo children potentially have indigo coloured eyes (though through genetic breeding, diet and toxic influences in life this may not show through) and a dolphin power animal by their side. The life purpose of Indigo children is to share love, compassion and use their profound psychic connection to help people. 3. Crystal Children Come to realization of their gift around the age of 13-18 years old. Before this time these children will suffer physical or emotional trauma. The awakening in itself can lead to confusion and isolation as they do not understand fully what is going on. Once these children fully step into and accept their gift they find themselves filled with joy. Life is blessed for these children when they accept their true path in life, they have amazing connection to the creative arts and expression, light and love often radiate through this in whatever form they embrace it. The life purpose of Crystal Children is to heal the world with joy, laughter and share a freedom of soul that few possess. WHAT SOUL GROUP DO YOU RESONATE WITH? LOW COST CONSULT TO UNDERSTAND YOUR DIVINE TRUTH HERE 4. Children of the Blue-ray Have difficult lives and will awaken to their gift usually around their mid 30's. The trials they go through, whether that be physical, mental or emotional will lead them to an understanding that helps them to relate and empathize with others in a similar situation. As they awaken to their gift they heal and as such they also step into a role of healing others as they appreciate the wellness they now feel. All Blue-ray's have a hawk power animal. The life purpose of a Child of the Blue-ray is to resonate and understand people, they have the most remarkable healing abilities when they step fully into their gift. 5. Rainbow Children Will deal with many life trials. Before they unlock their gift they must suffer and endure considerably to learn and understand what is needed to fulfil their destiny. Despite the trials they deal with they remain upbeat and positive whenever the opportunity presents. They have many positive traits and when they step into their gift in their early 40's they will then shine. They develop very quickly into their gift, mastering it and become powerful healers, this combined with their natural empathy and generosity is what allows them to achieve their life purpose. They are a perfectionist by nature, natural mentors, intuitive and love nature. The life purpose of a Rainbow Child is to recognise and help other Universal children to find their feet, to grow into their potential. It is important to note that what is written here is a generalization of the soul groups, naturally there is SO much more to learn, this is simply a guide. When it comes to colour of eyes and the alignment to what is written keep in mind that through many different influences through generations, also diet and lifestyle can in fact create a 'false' illusion of your truth (for want of a better way to put it). If you would like more information and feel you personally are or you are raising one of these beautiful souls and would like help to understand better please connect with me. This low cost consult outlines LOTS of different information, please follow the link by clicking on the picture below. If you are on facebook and would like to connect to like minded souls please follow this link: #Blueraychildren #starseedchildren #indigochildren #crystalchildren #rainbowchildren #whatsoulgroupamI

  • A message for parents of Blue-ray Children.

    So I received this message this morning and need to share with all you parents out there that only want the very best for your blue-ray children ... They are all around us. We feel compelled to shelter them but it is life's trials that gives them the tools to step into their gift. If they do not live these trials their gift will simply NOT fully awaken. It will remain latent. It is the Divines purpose in this sense that you need to be cruel to be kind. hey need the knowledge of struggle and hardship to find that place inside of them of absolute strength and character and of unwavering determination to be more. Without this knowledge they will not achieve their life's purpose. Support, guide but DO NOT over shelter these children. Remember, their souls CHOSE this path and one day when they 100% step into their gift they will remember and be thankful for this life of trials that has taught them the skills needed to better help humanity. As parents we do not want to see our children suffer but what is to be learnt for them to ultimately ascend will only come in this form. So watch, support but let these children stumble, fall and pick themselves up. Be the guide but not the over bearing care giver that does not let them experience. This is harming humanity, they do have what it takes and one day they will thank you for it. I think sometimes there is a fine line between helping and being over-bearing in the efforts to not have our children experience what we have in life. This is all in the greater plan though, please take heed of what the Angels are telling us and if you have any questions, thoughts, concerns or need clarification on something then contact me directly x #BlueRay #raisinggiftedchildren #angelmessage #blueray #raisingablueray

  • It hurts but it is ok...

    I have always been a big believer that to truly appreciate what is around you you occasionally have to struggle. That it is the trials and turmoil that bring inner strength and the connection to something more than just you as an individual in this world. It would be crazy to think that there is nothing but happiness and good times. We would all be walking around believing that we are invincible with no faith in the grander plan of why we are actually here and what our life purpose might be about. It is when we have the strength and courage to allow ourselves to experience reality in the dips in our life that our soul starts to shine. It is in those moments after we have hit rock bottom that we start to grow into something more. We grow from a standstill of thinking we are invincible to a place of realization that we are so minute in the Universal plan, that there is so much more to actually aspire to work towards. From here we find direction and faith to take forward steps to work with the greater good. I find it interesting that it is in the dips when we are surrounded by negative and destructive emotions that we conspire with the Universe to still connect to something that gives us strength to achieve the most daunting of tasks. We would not think we are capable of these things yet we look back after the difficulties are no longer with us at this time in our life and wonder how the heck we managed that! We are remarkable beings! This strength, it comes from channeling the power of the Universe. You may not even believe it but it is in these moments of your life that you are being tested, your ideas are being refined and you find your soul starting to take shape as you are led to places that you did not know where there within you. This is evolution in its rawest form, this is where our true potential is discovered and harnessed as we walk these roads that cause us the deepest pain. Perhaps one of the more difficult aspects of being on this path is letting go of our ideals. We grow up seeing ourselves and our lives fitting a certain image and then when it does not work out like that we become judgmental and/or disappointed. We focus on things that are superficial getting lost in desires and details and are insignificant in the scheme of things. These details hide or disguise the real reason you have found yourself in a dip. I understand that sometimes to only focus on the daily details is the way to get through but in between that focus we need to find a way to push through and listen to our inner voice, our intuition. It is this intuition that leads us to where we need to be. The intuition is the voice that is conferring with the Divine and that is why when we take a quiet moment to 'connect' and ground ourselves we FEEL complete, contented and ok amongst all the turmoil and chaos that at times reigns around us. LEARN REIKI TODAY : RELEASE ENERGY BLOCKS & CONNECT TO THE DIVINE Finding the truth in ourselves is a significant discovery and when we do, that growth that we talked about earlier starts to happen. We find the strength and courage to continue facing another day, another challenge and we find somewhere within us the positive aspiration to just keep going. It is when we open ourselves to truth for where we really are and what is actually going on and not just the superficial stuff that we then will start stepping into our own truth and personal power. This is a beautiful point to find yourself in. It is like you have surrendered and accepted and these are the keys to freedom. It can take time to find this place to allow the mind to relinquish control and let go to something else but letting go sometimes is the only way to come back together. Acceptance will open new doors because you are consciously releasing what is no longer necessary. You open yourself to new possibilities and like magic, there they are. Miracles will start to happen, you will find yourself moving from that place you have been to higher ground. The change in mindset makes it easier to accept the challenges that are there and all the while you feel happiness returning, lightening your heart. Perhaps take a moment here to reflect, to laugh at yourself. Focus on bringing joy back into your life, see the good, laugh some more. Stop that negative thought before it becomes a comment and do what your soul loves ... dance, sing, draw, walk, create, love! Embrace life in it's simplest forms and just see how appreciation evolves to so much more. #embracelife #rockbottom #strengthandcourage #findyoursoul #forwardsteps

  • Are you a Child of the Blue-Ray?

    Children of the Blue-Ray earn their name from travelling the ultra-violet light to be here in this physical plain in this lifetime. They are a first incarnation that, broadly speaking, endure a disability or extreme challenges in life in some form before awakening around the age of 35 years. They are sensitive, loving and often troubled or conflicted souls. They, in spirit before coming to this planetary existence, accept this path for the opportunity to help humanity grow and enlighten. Due to their challenges in life they often struggle and remain un-noticed, tormented internally, unable to express the beauty and knowledge/wisdom they possess. When they awaken they do so with a bang, quickly grasping the skills and embracing the path they committed themselves to before incarnating in this physical plain. Being told they are children of the Blue-Ray prematurely will not necessarily speed up their awakening though it may help to give them personal understanding of what they are working through, a connection that will stay with them and like a seed, the resonance of that information will slowly grow until they have learnt the life lessons needed and they can then move forward to the next stage of awakening. If you believe you are raising a child that resonates with this soul group then try to use forms of divination that resonates with them. This may that be oracle cards, rune stones, numerology, crystals or one of the many other forms of divination. Using these will help them communicate more effectively with you to understand what they are working through at any given time. It is important to not discard the signs they see in things, the sixth sense they have toward people, places and circumstances. These latent gifts are still considerable and must be acknowledged for these children to truly prosper. >> BOOK TODAY ¦ UNDERSTAND YOUR SOULS TRUE ORIGINS ¦ BOOK TODAY << It is not an easy road to raise a Blue-Ray but neglect of who they are will leave them feeling lost, alone and out of place in this world. Embrace these beautiful souls, nurture, learn and grow with them whether they be children or adults. Their purpose, as is that of all the Universal Children and what they will bring to the world when they fully awaken is an understanding and healing that few others can relate to. They are a gift to humanity, they are a sixth-sense waiting to happen. They are the epitome of appreciation when their gifts unfold before them. If you believe you have a child that is special, or you yourself resonate with the Blue-Ray then book a cosmic kid consult today and allow me to help you recognise and embrace the gift stepping up and into your true potential! Facebook support group for like minded souls: #BlueRay #BluerayChild #Whatisablueraychild #ChildrenoftheBlueray #Starseed

  • Welcome to the Karma Cafe

    Lets talk about synchronicity. When things happen, magically falling into place at the perfect moment. Does this happen for you? I cast back and recall times when synchronicity was just non-existent for me. I was perhaps sub-consciously always thinking, it will get better when I achieve this, or that. It will be better when that person is helping me out or when I meet the perfect love. It will be better when this illness subsides and I feel more emotionally and physically able to manage in my every day. You know what, lets be honest here. This mindset is detrimental, if you are placing your happiness and good fortune in the hands of material possessions and other people, well, that is not cool. Why wait for the 'perfect' situation all the time to start instigating the life you want. That is like having a good dinner set that only gets bought out on very good occasions. One day you look back and realise it has only ever been used 2 - 3 times over all those years. What a shame you haven't enjoyed it all that time! I believe as a society there is too much focus on material possessions and not enough emphasis on what really matters. What is it that really matters you may ask? In my opinion, it is the little things I believe that really matter ... Taking a walk Listening to the birds sing Laying on your back at the park and watching the clouds Strolling along the waters edge and appreciating how the sand feels under your feet, the cool of the water splashing up your legs Spending time with your loved ones, your animals and appreciating the unconditional love shared between you Smile at a stranger, just to brighten their day Find time to just let go and laugh, to dance, create, be silly Seeing, appreciating and feeling gratitude for the small stuff in life Connecting to sense of self through mindful practice Recognising and appreciating your own self-worth This is what is important, this is what we take with us in life that warms our souls and gives us that feeling of contentment and joy. We need to practice being grateful, being appreciative and giving. Release the ego that says we need everything to be a certain way to be able to be happy for the important stuff comes from within. So what else in life is getting in the way of you really seeing that synchronicity that you desire? How about over-thinking? Most of us have found ourselves dwelling in an over-active mind for way to much of our life ... I actually think it is quite a female trait! I always used to envision a cartoon version of my head popping open at the top because it could not contain all the over active thoughts I was trying to maintain! Why is it we are so scared to believe in the choices that we make, to trust the relationship that we have with life? Ultimately we make mistakes but these mistakes are what lead us to grow, we must learn to flow with our own existence, and then and ONLY then will we see synchronicity and manifestation start to bless us with it's presence. Mistakes are only what we perceive them to be, don't let them distract you. Colette Baron-Reid says 'there is nothing to fear but fear itself'. My Hemp milk carton says 'nothing changes if nothing changes' I love it, so logical and so true and I completely resonate with it. Let us all do ourselves a favour and step into our personal power where we believe in the choices that we make, let go of ego and let go of doubt. CONNECT TO CLARITY ¦ FOCUS ¦ SENSE OF SELF WORTH Well, OK, lets be honest, its all very easy to say 'just let go' ... BUT HOW. That is the skill we need to learn. Often by the time we realise we need to learn this skill we are extremely overwhelmed by what life has been to us and feeling so low that it seems an insurmountable task to even begin! It is big. But it's all about practice and taking baby steps forward. It helps to not look at the big picture but instead to set a goal, release attachment and just take one day at a time. If that is too big then break it down a little more. Make a decision that you will spend whatever time you can manage meditating and just practice being in your own space clearing your mind ... set a goal with a timer so you are not constantly checking your clock - start with 5 minutes if that is all you can do! ... Work to release all thoughts that are non-beneficial, all the superfluous stuff that is just noise in your head, watch it flow in and release it to flow out again not focusing on any of them, a casual observer if you will. Just be still. Isn't it amazing? We all need conscious retreat and you will find that in the times that you allow yourself this privilege that over time you will find personal freedom, contentment and peace. This is a human need, everyone needs to know and resonate with these feelings! It is when you find yourself being mindful of your own self, this moment of solitude that sanity is found again. In that sanity comes clarity, direction and in turn this leads us to be able to create good karma, welcome synchronicity's and in turn the life we truly desire. So on a finishing note ... laugh, appreciate life and be mindful. Wake every morning and SMILE whether you feel like it or not, tell yourself it is going to be a GOOD day ... eventually you will start believing it and when that day comes you will be ever so grateful for the small efforts like this made #synchronicity #Karma #manifest #goodfortune #releasefear #changeyourkarma #mindfulpractice #appreciationandgratitude

  • Are You a Starseed Child?

    Are you or do you know a Starseed Child? Starseed children are unique. They are a gift from the heavens to human kind sent here selflessly from the Angels to bring healing and peace to all that is around them. They are volunteers that forego all they have to live in the confines of the human body and bring themselves to the incarnations of life to evolve. Their first lifetime they are considered a Starseed child and all incarnations thereafter they take with them this knowledge from the first lifetime to continue helping humanity. To know one of these souls is a blessing, to raise one of these souls is a challenge and will leave you in constant awe as you recognise their generosity and kindness, their gentle strength and innate 'knowing' and understanding of what is going on around them. As fearful children they need some extra love and care, their understanding still yet to develop to match the knowledge they have. Nurture, support and encourage these children. Work with them to come into their own. Use sources of divination to help them communicate what they are feeling, what they know. Tarot and Oracle are excellent simple sources of communication with the very young. Trust and believe in them to build their confidence and knowing their place in the world they have chosen to be in. AGAIN … Starseed children are unique, they teach us about our self, they help us fearlessly believe in who we are with their understanding of what to most of us is unknown. COMMON CHARACTER TRAITS of ALL STARSEED CHILDREN They ALWAYS complete what they start They have a fantastic energy about them They are honest, loyal and will always support They are brave They are gentle, loving and kind They are very self-motivated By nature they are very compassionate souls They are highly intuitive and empathetic They are fearful children, lacking the understanding to the knowledge they have They are overly helpful They will teach us all that is in their hearts and in their realms of knowledge COMMON LOOKS of ALL STARSEED CHILDREN All Starseed Children have large BLUE eyes PROTECTION If you are or you have a Starseed Child use TOURMALINE CRYSTAL to help protect from destructive emotions of other people, non-beneficial energies and negative imprints by always having on you. PLEASE NOTE: I have a closed group for all Starseed, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children. If you believe/know that you fall into this category OR you are raising a child that does then please send me a private message to confirm this. This is a group to share knowledge, of complete acceptance and to help overcome the difficulties and clear the negative imprints that you may be experiencing in this journey of being YOU. #Starseed #starseedchildren #amIastarseedchild #Angels #Angeliclove

  • Today I Have The Power To Change My Story

    I resonate daily with the title of this blog, how about you? It is an odd thing really, and you have heard me say this before, but I have been where I am about to tell you about! Most of us will not change UNTIL there is no other option, until we feel there is no where else to go and that we are in such a bind that there is no choice except to find another way. Interestingly some of us live in the bottom of that pit of despair a lot longer than others of us before we decide to do something about it. I am not 100% sure why that is ... I have wondered if when we do that it is because we feel we are not worthy of something better. I mean, life can be pretty brutal sometimes, lets be honest. Not only do we have to deal with our own thoughts and feelings, we deal with the thoughts and feelings and considerations of everyone around us as well as expectations we put on ourselves which in all fairness, most of the time are a lot tougher than anyone else in this world imposes upon us! And breathe. Yes, I have been there. I honestly thought more than once I had hit rock bottom but for a while there that pit seemed to be more of a slippery slide down than a gentle climb up. I wanted change, I knew I did, but wanting it and making it happen seemed light-years away from each other. Fortunately for me one day I faced one of my biggest fears. ASKING FOR HELP. It seems a ridiculous thing to be worried about but seriously, I was so scared of imposing on anyone that I just did all I could to not have to do that. Obviously to my detriment. So asking for help ... it was like a hand reached down through all the pain, the anguish, the struggles and turning on a light bulb. I actually SAW that to change what I was doing was the only way out of that place. Now, don't go thinking that you have to change who you are, that is not what I am saying. The ultimate goal I believe for the personal self is to stop wearing the 'brave' mask, and the 'I am really good, thanks' mask, and the 'life has been great' mask. I am also not saying that you have to be a miserable git that complains and does not want to be assertive to help yourself. When we start with being HONEST with ourselves - and I am pretty sure most of you reading this tell yourself that you are fine and you are managing and all is ok (just to get by) BUT to be honest with yourself allows you to see the situation for how it really is and therefore look to the people we need to inspire and instigate the change that you want to happen. Does this make sense? POSITIVE ENERGY CAN HEAL THE UNIVERSE So now we are being honest with ourselves the big question is ... how do we learn change? What attitude or objective in life do we need to adopt to better deal with this? Well, in life we need to learn to be fluent. Easy as that. To flow around the obstacles in our path. Think about nature, you do not see the rivers trying to flow UP the mountains do you? So why do we think we can do the same. Mother Nature is wondrous in the way She works, we should be inspired to do as She does. Be fluent, adapt and moving pass the obstacle in question. Changing and adapting whilst being honest with that a tall ask? I think it is more than feasible to do this IF we open ourselves to the idea of being unlimited possibilities, especially with the right people by our side. And these people, they may not even realise what it is that you have gained from them and how hugely monumental that has helped you on your journey but the Universe granted that person to you at that moment when you were honest enough with yourself to be able to say ... this is what I need. Isn't that beautiful! I love how the Universe does that!! Take what you will from this today but remember, it is only by staying true to ourselves that we can truly reach our full potential. No matter what stage you are at in life try look to err on the side of positivism, the side of honesty (no matter how much you do not like the honest answer about where you REALLY are right now) and the side of fluent change that promotes transformation of the most spectacular kind .... we sometimes don't see it in the here and now but just wait, look back and reflect down the road and you really will see how these small things can make BIG impacts in your life. #transformation #personalgrowth #befluent #changeyourstory #brutalhonesty

  • Yes! I Have an Essential Oil For That!

    Pain relief using what nature provides us; all we need to take advantage of this is the knowledge on how and when to use it. As such, today I have put together a list of some of the essential oils that can be used daily to help us feel better at times when we are struggling. If you know of something else and have used it confidently then please be sure to let me know so I can add it to the list! APPLICATION MASSAGE - Apply the oils directly to the skin using 1 – 6 drops of essential oil combined with carrier oil. More oil is not necessarily better since a large amount of oil can trigger a detoxification of the surrounding tissue and blood, this can cause considerable discomfort. Always start with 1 – 3 drops and work up from there. BATH – use 2 – 5 drops of oil, add in some Epson salts and soak for 10min – 20min. You can also use this same method in a foot bath! SHOWER – if you place a few drops on the shower floor, cover the plug to let 2-3 inches of water to build up you will find the oils diffuse upwards lending you the benefits they provide. FOR STRESS - massage oil directly onto the feet, behind the ears and/or on the wrists and back of neck. Use 1 – 4 drops in this situation. You can layer oils. You need only wait long enough for the oil to absorb into the skin before applying the next one. This is a good method to use when you have deep tissue pain and muscle spasms. SYMPTOMS & OILS SORE/FATIGUED MUSCLES –use as a massage or bath soak Lemongrass Marjoram Peppermint Rosemary Hyssop Juniper Berry Clary Sage Hyssop Fir Needle MUSCLE SPASM & CRAMPS - use as a massage or bath soak Marjoram Clary Sage Hyssop FLUID RETENTION - use as a massage or bath soak Lemongrass Juniper Berry Hyssop ANXIETY & STRESS – massage into palms of hands, cup hands over nose and inhale deeply. Massage also into the back of your neck. It is recommended to diffuse these in an oil burner. Marjoram Wild Orange Lavender Rose Oil Ylang-ylang is also considered a sedative so can help with insomnia, note it can also be irritating on the skin so may be best used in a diffuser Bergamot Chamomile Frankincense HELP YOURSELF : START USING TOXIC FREE PRODUCTS TODAY USE CODE 343039 FOR A GENEROUS 1st ORDER DISCOUNT HEADACHES – massage oil on temples, behind the ear and/or back of neck or use in a diffuser Lavender Peppermint Clary Sage Eucalyptus if sinus tension headache: dilute 2-4 drops in carrier oil & massage into chest, back of neck, temples and forehead Rosemary also take internally: add 1 drop to tea or hot water and drink Palo Santo good for migraines/stress related headaches Cinnamon oil Pine oil #EssentialOils #Modere #Massage #Painrelief #Headacherelief

  • Sometimes it's not meant to be understood, it's meant to be accepted.

    Acceptance isn't easy, in fact I would go so far as to say that it is one of the most challenging experiences we have in life's journey. I am not talking about just accepting that we cannot buy the coloured shirt we want when it is on sale. I am talking about accepting illness that impacts who we are and how we function. How is it we accept something about ourselves that we so do not want to be a part of us? We strive to always 'get better' but what if realistically there is not getting 'better', where does that leave us? From my experience it comes down to a choice, and that choice makes all the difference to how you then process and function day to day living. Quality of life. Is it better to keep fighting the challenges (whether they be physical, mental or spiritual) or is it better to accept and work with them? I know a few years back, by this time I had been fighting and struggling with the symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for many years, my sensory sensitivities where through the roof constantly making everything so extremely challenging beyond what I believed I could cope with. I didn't think I had a choice, I just had to cope somehow. Thinking back, it was the point that I began this journey. I connected with Spirit, started taking responsibility for how I was impacting the symptoms of the illness and started following my intuition regarding what the right path for me was. I MADE A CHOICE at that moment to be better. It sounds crazy really, I had always wanted to not be unwell but it was different this time. It FELT different, because I actually believed in what I was doing. With that intention set and the mindset open to a new path the Universe started showing me the opportunities I needed. Led me to the people I needed to learn from, that could teach me how to be kind to myself and still be responsible in the position I had in this world (ie; family, work, friends). Success in this moment lay in the choosing consciously and allowing myself to be guided by intuition and Spirit. With the decision made I found myself on a whole new journey, uncharted territory as such. I needed to learn how to be kind to myself for a start! After pushing myself for so many years to make sure that the needs and wants of all those around me were met, it was a whole new ball game to turn around and consider ME in that equation. I am positive that a lot of you who are reading this can understand that concept! I basked and soaked in every word of advice from all these new people I was meeting that the Universe had blessed me with. Surprisingly my nonsensical life suddenly started making sense. The more I learnt on this new path the clearer my existence became. I stopped feeling like I was struggling and fighting with every day and instead found myself looking forward to it. INCREDIBLE! Trust The Vibes You Get ... Energy Doesn't Lie I continued to relinquish attachment to all I ever knew and believed. I wiped the slate clean to relearn and clearly felt that inspiration and truth of where I was heading. The excitement to wake to every day knowing how magical life actually was. How had I not seen this before? I was living blind. The higher forces of the Universe were flowing through me from the moment I accepted who I was and what I was dealing with. The beautiful thing is that with this acceptance of what I needed and how to care for myself when I needed it without the mental anguish of beating myself up or loathing the fact that I couldn't do it, I wasn't enough etc Suddenly I was healing. The pain dissipated, the fatigue lessened and the sensory overload improved significantly. Trusting that we are on this path for a reason, dealt with the trials and challenges we individually face to learn life's lessons. We take these lessons and work through them, we grow, we connect to the people that ultimately can guide us to see our true potential until we ourselves grow our own wings to be able to fly. Recognise the relationship between desire and inspiration, feel the truth. Dare to believe that you personally are the most beautiful and incredible soul and that you have a place on this Earth that is important and profound. We all possess a passion that the Universe is just waiting patiently for the right time to unleash. Waiting for you to be at that point where there is complete acceptance of all the wonderful and not so wonderful things about you that make you whole, that make you an individual that is special and here for your own Divine purpose. Accept that you do not need to be like anybody else, you are enough. I am enough. Life is beautiful <3 #accept #acceptanceofoneself #Divinepurpose #Recoverfromillness #bekindtoyourself

  • And Remember, No Matter Where You Go, There You Are..

    JUST BELIEVE What if just for a moment you stopped thinking with your brain. Sit quiet, listen to your intuition, to what that little voice we so often suppress (thinking we know better!) is saying to you. Can you hear it? If not, why? Have you also been struggling to feel well, confident or like you do not just 'fit' anywhere in your surroundings? Is your body in pain, mind not thinking with clarity? It could be energy blocks in your chakra's which is throwing them out of balance. It is one of those things that can swing either way actually. If under-active it can leave you feeling withdrawn, lacking lustre, not feeling well and generally disconnected from the world. If over-active you will be dealing with over confidence, likely to be in everyone's face and possibly have a serious case of verbal diarrhoea to go with it! Our chakra's are wheels of energy constantly spinning in our body. They are spread out over 7 different locations and are the colours of the the rainbow. There are a few ways to balance your chakra's, you can work through meditation, connect and balance your energy to nature, often a bath and just finding your 'zen' will help, or you can use reiki which provides you with beautiful balance, clarity and transformation - I offer this service HERE and when you book with me you can focus on a particular issue, trait or chakra that is troubling you, or address the chakras as a whole ... it is all about your intention and what you feel you need! Other ways of finding balance are to use a pendulum. If you are looking to work with dowsing charts to help better understand your chakras I have one available HERE. You can also work with intent and visualisation, yoga, qi gong and tai chi, you could try frequencies, the way you dress and eat connecting through the colours and energy that these things bring to your vibration. CHAKRA PENDULUM DOWSING BOOKLET !! TOOLS TO ASSERTIVELY CREATE CHANGE !! MORE ABOUT CHAKRAS Root Chakra - red Located at the base of your spine, its energy is the desire for safety, stability, and all physical needs being met, such as food, water and shelter. When it is balanced you feel grounded, you feel as if you belong in this world. You are trusting, independent, alive and poised. Sacral Chakra - orange The seat of procreative and reproductive energy. When balanced you are friendly, passionate, sexually fulfilled, your mood is good and you feel playful. Solar Plexus Chakra - yellow Think of solar, like the sun. The word plexus means network. It is in the middle of your body, at the area where your ribs separate. This is the seat of willpower and a great deal of energy. When balanced you will feel respect for yourself and others, you will feel confident and outgoing. Problem solving will come naturally and you will feel calm and have integrity. Heart Chakra - green As it indicates, it is located in the centre of your chest and is associated with love and compassion. Balanced it helps with a harmonious life and connects your body, mind and spirit. The feeling of being love and being able to love will come effortlessly. You will be empathetic and have a ‘contagiously’ good vibe. Throat Chakra - blue Located at your throat and associates with communication in all forms. It allows you to speak your deepest truths and be understood by others, it also works the other way where it will give you a greater understanding of what others say. When aligned optimally you are also open to communicate more efficiently your needs for 'self' and in line with teams in Spirit to help guide. This chakra is also indicative of creativity and when balanced your creative flow will be optimal. BALANCE YOUR CHAKRAS BOOK TODAY Brow Chakra - indigo Also known as the 3rd eye, this is the centre of your intuition and helps you perceive the world around you with greater clarity. When activated and balanced this chakra will aid with meditation and knowing what your purpose is in life. It is a path of being able to positively process through sensory organs and systems and helps to integrate the mind body soul connection in the life you are living. There is an aspect here when you go deeper also that awakens your deeper memories to the lives you have lived and the lessons you have learnt. When your 3rd eye is functioning optimally you will be guided easily through signs, dreams and visions from teams in spirit. Crown Chakra - purple This is located at the top of your head and is an energy centre that connects with all your chakra's within and connects with the universe outside. What this means is you will feel connected to ‘Source’ whilst still being aware of your own individuality, a deep knowing connects you to life that is not logic but rather inspired action. You will be wiser and more compassionate when this chakra is open and balanced. Society … life … it leaves us all feeling run down and out of kilter sometimes BUT you can actively do something about it. Self care and observant recognition of how your body is feeling so you can help your self to stay in an optimal energetic frequency is a huge step in the right direction. Just by keeping your chakra's checked and in balance you will live an authentic, inspired, assertive and directed well functioning life. #Chakras #unlockyourintuition #Energyblocks #balancechakras #chakraclearing #chakrabalancing #aboutchakras

  • Leap straight from the problem to the answer!

    Impossible you might say, but according to Robert Graves intuition is the supra-logic that cuts out all the routine processes of thought and leaps straight from the problem to the answer. It is kind of cool when you think about it. I know in the past I have questioned this ... like really, just how do you get to that point? Then someone tells you, meditate, trust your intuition but how do you KNOW that little voice inside your head is not just leading you up the garden path? Jinkies, you are probably thinking to yourself, it has got me in all sorts of trouble doing that before! Hmm-mm, but has it? Or have you landed in hot water (so to speak) because you decided that little voice was just your head jabbering and in actual fact you let your ego brain do the thinking thus allowing all sorts of chaotic misconduct into your life. Yep ... you guessed it, I have been there plenty of times too. Some of us learn the hard way, I can possibly be classed as one of those! You know what though, I have realised that it's really no big deal. At the time YES it is, it is difficult and unsettling and painful and the trials and lessons are HARD but ... ultimately the life and trials I have been through, the heartache and struggles ... it has allowed me to grow. Courage, strength, compassion and an over-riding need (not just a want but a NEED) to help other people find their way. I owe a lot of this passionate energy to my wolf totem. When you become one with the wolf spirit there really is no other path. *quote: If you have an affinity for the wolf spirit, then you may be a person with a gift to teach. You may pass on your own spirit medicine with those willing to hear your message and learn. When you tune in to your intuitive nature on the wolf path you will divine a number of things, including an answer you may be seeking or a lesson you must learn at this time. When you discover your inner wolf spirit your drive to impart knowledge will increase and you may find yourself writing or lecturing about topics and providing information that will help others understand their own unique life path. As you can see, I am on this path now. If you want to be helped then I am wanting to be the teacher, the one to impart any knowledge, wisdom, guidance or if the situation calls for, comic relief. I am ready, my life I feel has been a preparation of readiness for this moment, for exactly where I am now. It is like I have floated through life with no real direction, no understanding of why I am here until now. It is as clear as the nose on my face, I see it, I feel it, I know it with everything I am. The more I work with you all, the more I give the more I want to do this. Medicine For The Soul - Easy to Learn Techniques I do not want much in return really, I want for you to see how amazing your life could be if you can realise that you are infinite possibilities like me. If you can understand that life is an opportunity wanting to inspire you if only you give it a chance. I have said it before and I will say it again over and over and over. BODY, MIND & SOUL. It has to happen on every level. Once you start that journey and suddenly there is clarity like you have never experienced before. You will know without a shadow of a doubt why you are on this earth, what your purpose is and exactly what talent it is that you are being called to share with the world to make it a better place. I am love love loving this journey! I am loving meeting so many amazing people, that means all of you, you are generous and kind and giving. You are wanting to learn and wanting to open yourselves to the incredible Universal energies all around us. Part of the path to healing is surrounding yourself with like minded people ... this journey has definitely allowed me to do this. You allow me to share my talent to help you, you allow me to be exactly who I am and that is enough. Its beautiful. Till next time ... I look forward to your comments, to your interaction's and to helping you be inspired to be the best you possibly can be. * #releasing #unlockyourintuition #universalenergies #wolfspirit #likemindedpeople

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