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  • Spirit Animal - Manta Ray

    It is an interesting thing with the Manta Ray, it would seem that such a graceful and elegant creature would easily make its presence into my associated deck of messenger animals but truth be told I did hesitate for quite some time before committing to bringing it forth. It has made me think though as I now better understand this energy of the process or releasing I needed to work through to be in the right space. The Manta Ray is associated with the element of water and the energy of the east, this is interesting in the fact that it is like a new beginning associated with cleansing of emotions to better connect to oneness and self-reflection. To watch a Manta Ray you can just lose yourself in its graceful enormity, the way they glide and make their way through life is truly inspiring, if you can for a moment just visualise how working with this energy would create a flow that connects to exactly that. How resistance would just melt away and you instead connect to a sense of freedom, perfect balance and direction. The energy here is so soothing that you can find a place that feels safe to release non-beneficial emotions like fear, obsessiveness, torment, anger and overwhelm just to name a few. Through releasing the alignment to these you essentially then can raise your vibration to connect to divine traits and emotions ... hence that energy of the East awakening you to a new day, a new stage in life and new opportunities that will align to that. BUY ¦ MESSENGER ANIMALS ORACLE DECK It is truly quite limitless what can come forth when deciding to connect to this energy, whether you are trying to release and heal surface level issues or deep soul level issues the Manta Ray is committed to help you navigate your way through and see you into that place to start fresh where deeper resonance with your own authenticity and truth can shine through. Recapping in short the Manta Ray Associates with the energy of the East and the element of Water Connects you to oneness, wonder and self-reflection Helps to release non-beneficial emotions Aligns you to new opportunities and change Opens you to connect to a deeper authenticity and truth in yourself Remember with any spirit animal, you don't have to wait for them to come to you, assertively connect with them, set your intention, invite them into your space and allow yourself to resonate in all that comes forth. Be conscious of the shift and change that happens around you and don't give up, finding your way through and connecting to higher levels of consciousness is truly a thing to appreciate. #mantaray #spriitanimalmantaray #messengeranimals #openopportunity #emotionalhealth #emotionalwellbeing #messengeranimalsoracledeck

  • Learning to use Oracle Cards

    You know what they say right? There are many ways to climb a tree ... well the same is correct for using oracle cards, the trick is finding what works for you. I thought I might walk you through what works for me, if you are new to this and looking to expand then it might also work for you too! So, you have a deck you love, when I buy a deck I always take time to get acquainted touching and looking at each card, taking in the style, the feel of it, the details that could be overlooked but in actual fact really do matter. When I have done this I cleanse the deck of any energy it is holding onto, I actually do this before any reading at any given time to make sure I align to the love and light and there are no conflicting frequencies guiding me in a non-beneficial way, for me this involves the following: Holding the deck in my hands Setting intention for all that is not of love and light influenced by my team in spirit to be cleared and released Seeing in my minds eye the drawing in of light and love energy through my crown flowing through my souls essence and into and through the deck I am holding essentially cleansing completely Initially this may take some effort to visualise but in time you will master it and it will happen really quite seamlessly and without overthinking. Like anything, creating new habits and routines takes time. I have seen and heard others say they clear the energy from the cards simply by tapping on the top of the deck three times with the intention of the previous energy dissipating ... perhaps if there are other techniques you could comment below, help build awareness of what works! So you have your deck, you have cleared it and now you find yourself shuffling. Don't over think this, there are many different ways you can shuffle and it really is about what you feel comfortable with! I just shuffle and then either a card will jump out at me and I know loud and clear that this is the message to come forth in line with the question or intention for the reading I have set. If nothing jumps out, what works for me is the following: I close my eyes and just fan the cards through my hands, feeling them with my senses without overthinking anything, just let go of thought I open my eyes and will 'know' the card I need, it like is obvious to me all of a sudden I select that card and pull it out then start over for the next card This part of connecting to the right card for you is also unique for each person. Some will shuffle and just take from the top of the deck, some will cut the deck then select and others will take from the bottom. We are all unique in the way we are drawn to work with these tools from spirit, it is so important to embrace YOU in this, to just do what feels right rather than forcing a routine that is taught by another but feels ganky and awkward to you. When actually coming to read the cards, this is always interesting. I read the book and take into account what that says in alignment to the card, I then just allow my self to stop thinking and gaze at the card/s, to let the message that is in line with my question/intention to come forth. It is important at this stage to not overthink (again) and to just allow yourself to be shown, to feel the message that is right for you. The card write-up's are brilliant but often the message for you shown through the card is deeper and more personal, just be consciously aware here of what comes into your thoughts and don't disregard it as nonsense. >> RELEASE NEGATIVE KARMIC IMPRINTING HOLDING YOU BACK - BOOK A SESSION TODAY << This part takes you trusting in what you feel, what you intuitively know and working with that. A great way to gain confidence is to practice on friends and family, to keep practising. When I first started out I focused on using one deck only, I got super comfortable with that one deck and mastered that before I then just naturally and intuitively evolved to work more easily with my other decks. It is all a process of learning, embrace the journey, give yourself the time. Create a routine that opens you to pull a card each day for you, then perhaps work with card spreads like 'past, present, future' for influences around your enquiry. There are a lot of ideas online for working in this way in a simple fashion or in a much more complex way. Oracle cards are just one of the 'tools of spirit' to embrace to help you understand the unseen influences around a situation. Commitment and perseverance will open you to learn and be fluent with the skill, this is invaluable in so many ways. You can journal your daily card reading and keep track of what you are seeing, what is coming forth in line with your day to day life. Again, conscious awareness of the path you walk ... this is an insight, an opportunity, a gift to work with, thank you Spirit! #howtouseoraclecards #usingoraclecards #oraclecards #toolsofspirit #learnoraclecards #healwithairmeith

  • Spirit Animal - Flamingo

    The Flamingo, such a magnificent spirit animal that when you connect to it will help you align to that something special within. Being authentic, speaking your truth and not feeling ashamed to do so in a crowd of people is something many people struggle with … the flamingo spirit can help you turn that around. It was interesting how connecting to that energy whilst drawing this card for my messenger animal deck came through, that realisation of uniqueness and my perception and in turn interpretation of what comes forth being perfect for what is needed at this time. I love how the Flamingo evolved onto the page and came to life, I feel this is what needs to be embraced on a day to day, to just ‘let go’ and allow whatever needs to come forth, naturally and authentically. Working with the flamingo will also help you to work with the cycles of life. This is a learning journey for all and in saying as much there are lots of beginnings and lots of endings. Each lead into the next and each is a sign of evolution of your soul, of the lessons learnt and of the progress being made. When you can connect consciously with the help of the flamingo to this line of thought you will find that the expansion that comes forth is balanced and aligned to your higher potential rather than a constant flux of inconsistent high’s and lows that leave you mentally and emotionally exhausted. >> RELEASE NEGATIVE KARMIC IMPRINTING HOLDING YOU BACK - BOOK A SESSION TODAY << The energy that radiates with the presence of the flamingo will help you align to positive karmic flow, it is because of that conscious connection to understanding what you are experiencing and maintaining active balance throughout that you open to, almost unwittingly, correct the Akashic alignment that flows with karma and correct to be positive and in doing so absolutely step into new beginnings … another cycle, beginnings associated with your higher purpose and endings associated with releasing from what is not benefiting you. Work with the flamingo and find resolution to trauma, fear and loss, to stagnancy and recreate your truth, manifest deep commitment to your own journey through realising how you, in your truth, is so perfect and exactly what the world needs right now, this opening pathways to connect to your soul family, to expansion and opportunity that will no doubt be perfectly aligned to where you need to be! In short, recapping the Flamingo Helps work through the cycles of endings and beginnings Opens you to releasing what is not beneficial and finding balance in the flux of life Connects you to positive karmic flow Aligns you to positive transformation aligned to higher purpose Aligns your frequency to help you be your authentic beautiful self Manifests pathways that connect to soul family This energy, this truth … take time to meditate, to request the presence of the flamingo, set your intentions and see yourself transform, connect and awaken to where your personal power allows you to embrace life in a way that is perfect for you to evolve! #spiritanimal #spiritanimalflamingo #balanceyourlife #soulfamily #cyclesoflife #personalgrowth

  • Spirit Animal - Aardvark

    The Aardvark, he is a fascinating animal that is a combination of what would seem a mixed bundle of other animals that brings forth an incredible energy. Let us consider for a moment that the aardvark is the first animal listed in the dictionary, he holds the energy of the east which is about new beginnings and resetting your reality and if you are looking for spiritual ascension he is a brilliant influence to have around! Let's step back for a moment ... to find that you have an aardvark around you in spirit is a blessed thing and could potentially also come with seeing the 11:11 code in some form, he is here to help you answer that call and helps you with a journey that is often not seen by the larger population but rather known only to those who truly commit to connect to spirit, to the light and ascension aligned to your souls purpose and truth. On this path the Aardvark is likely to help you connect to your psychic smell and hearing, both these senses are very in line with him and as such they may be heightened when he is around so be aware of this if you are smelling things that are 'not there' or hearing voices ... you are not going mad, nope, you are connecting to your higher senses. Work with it and embrace it on your journey, it is a gift! >> MESSENGER ANIMAL ORACLE DECK << I feel so excited to introduce you to this little guy, he is quite an influence in spirit, he is slow and steady, methodical and focused which on any journey of awakening is so important. You will be shown the path and the way when and as you are ready. You will be shown the way to create an influence that will ripple out to help those that are in some way or form connected to your souls journey, He will help you persevere when things get tough and you want to throw it all in, he is a gift, a truth that aligns you to your authenticity and reason for being here in the bigger picture of yours souls path. In short, recapping the spirit of the Aardvark: Aligns and helps you to 'answer the call' when awakening to a spiritual path Can potentially heighten your psychic smell and hearing Opens you to a journey that is your souls purpose and truth Expands your consciousness and understanding of life If you don't feel him around you don't fret, you can call him in to help you, request his (or her) guidance when you feel you are ready to step forth and align to your truth! #spiritanimal #spiritanimalaardvark #aardvark #awakeningcode #soulspurpose #psychichearing #messengeranimalsoracle #animalcards #animaldeck

  • Spirit Animal - Porcupine

    This little guy, the Porcupine! What a treasure he is, he feels like the underdog that goes by un-noticed and yet everyone should in fact set an intention for help from him! In spirit this little guy is an amazing protector of your emotional, intellectual and psychic health. His talent does not so much lay with clearing the negative energy but if you were to work with him along side the energy of the gemstone tourmalated quartz you would have a powerful energetic combination to help you protect from taking on the negative energy of your environment or from dark spiritual attack. To take this one further you will find that the Porcupine is a friend in helping you to resolve fragmentation of your energetic essence, slowly and steadily recreating a solid grounding that is beneficial for you to be able to absorb and connect to the valuable earth energy. The element of earth is important for the ability to ground yourself and for mind, body and soul healing. BUY ¦ MESSENGER ANIMALS ORACLE DECK When you call on and work with the Porcupine you will find you are more akin to wanting to eat in a manner that is of benefit for your body, consider for a moment that protective quality that he brings forth, well this is also what is going on for you. He is helping you to align mind, body and soul by protecting you not just from others and spirits but also from your own self-sabotaging tendencies. All this in time, when working with the spirit of the Porcupine, will awaken you to a new level of determination and motivation to walk a path that is aligned to your higher potential. This protection and ability to make more beneficial choices for yourself creates a beautiful shift that is welcomed if you are looking at a journey of mind, body and soul health and well-being. In short, recapping the Spirit of the Porcupine Connects you to the element of Earth for grounding and healing Protects you from non-beneficial energy in your environment Manifests a spiritual protection especially when working with tourmalated quartz also Helps to align you to positive decision making If this aligns to where you want to be OR if you are being visited by the spirit of the porcupine then embrace fully this truth, it is a wondrous thing that can awaken and an alignment to possibilities you perhaps have not before realised. #PowerAnimal #Spiritanimal #MessengerAnimal #porcupinespirit #mindbodysoul #spiritualprotection #porcupine #messengeranimalsoracle

  • Why do I have faith?

    I have been sitting here this afternoon just reflecting with thoughts that may help others: Lets talk about faith, about taking that leap of faith where beyond all else no matter how crazy, bizarre or left of center what you know intuitively, feel innately and connect to that perhaps nobody else does is what you work with. It is beyond reasonable explanation or logical understanding, it is something that is unique for everyone and yet within that universal consciousness that connects us all. So, looking back through my life .... seriously, at the time when I took this 'leap of faith' I could not remember a moment where I hadn't been in some sort of physical and/or emotional pain, I believed I was nothing, I had nothing left, it had culminated in that time before this awakening to a point where I was running at about 10% capacity. No joke there ... if you have read through the previous weeks posts you will have some understanding of where I was prior to 'awakening'. I didn't have a life ... just an existence. I felt I tried and tried so hard all the time and yet despite every decision and choice I made it just bought me down further. Thank goodness for my children, the source of my hope, joy, optimistic outlook and reason to get up every day ... they truly are a gift and my saving grace in so many ways. It is a curious thing, now that I reflect, every logical choice I ever made led me to darkness, toxic people and more pain, fatigue and loss. How is that possible that one can live their life working with the intention to be more, to heal, to try harder, to eat correctly, to treat others how they would like to be treated, to be optimistic and believe in the better and yet still be confronted through 'logical and well thought out' decisions to non-beneficial results? It is a perplexing thing .... Well, after living literally a lifetime like this I made a decision one day that I was never going to be that way again. Just like that, I decided I was no longer the victim to that reality! From that second on EVERY single thing I was shown or guided to do I actually did, that guidance came through people, text and intuition, through reading signs, interpreting dreams and putting the puzzle together to understand. However it came forth I listened. I am sure people thought I was crazy, my family, friends, even me some days! .... but I needed to save myself because no-one else could at that time, I knew there was more, I knew this was not how life was meant to be. That is why I have faith, unwavering belief in the love and the light - whatever you want to give form or shape to that term - that is the basis for healing me ... love and light. From that definitive moment of that decision I took sometimes only the TINIEST step forward (whatever my cognitive clarity, energy and pain levels could cope with on that day) BUT I continued to step forward, and look and listen and put the pieces together. It got me to where I am now. No pain, no fatigue, living life with incredible clarity, purpose, passion, appreciation, gratitude and vision. ANYONE can do this, from my experience there are those that WANT it but that is ALL (where I was prior to my decision), then there are those that know it is the only way and will do EVERYTHING in their power to make it happen, no other option, nothing is too hard, no excuses (where I got to when I made the decision) ... it is just what needs to be done to find yourself, your own truth and purpose again. Consider on your journey, where are you? Point one or point two? I believe to truly succeed you need to have got to point two ... it is a shift in the mind-set, the attitude associated that embraces the faith and the ability to connect to the healing that needs to come forth. >> Chakra & Energetic Cleanse - release energy blocks today << Below are some suggestions to connecting to better energy flow for mind, body and soul healing. Work with and where you feel drawn to manifest and connect to the place you want to be. The ability to let go of logic and allow your intuitive knowing to flourish is a blessed thing ... I encourage all to work with embracing this skill. It can take time to learn to 'let go' and settle the thoughts and mind but like any skill, once it is learnt you will benefit deeply from it. Working with intention setting through meditation and inviting your team in spirit of love and light working in your highest good to help you release and heal Working with feng shui principles for positive energy flow in your environment Tai Chi and Qi Gong are brilliant for opening energy flow through your energy centres Writing, drawing, creating - let it all go and let it flow! Being outdoors, grounding your energy, finding balance in life Positive thought, speech, attitude, emotions - embrace it, it really makes a difference! Burn sage, using crystals, diffusing oils, working with grids and purposeful intention Frequencies and tones are amazing for releasing and healing, use headphones! Reading inspirational material - find something you resonate with and lose yourself in it Meditating in a hot salt bath or foot soak helps release toxicity from mind, body and soul also, alternatively, swimming or walking in the ocean is also amazing if you are lucky to have one close by Cleanse your jewellery, crystals, space around you so it is not carrying negative energy and blocks Conscious and mindful living, understanding what you need and when you need it, prioritising for you in-between life, love, work and all your wants and desires that have manifested around you to create the lifestyle you live now. Be inspired, be limitless and most importantly have faith ... be true to what you know and feel to be right even when not a soul around you has a single clue. It is OK to believe in miracles ... I look at my own life from where I have come to where I am now and have no doubt, not a single one, that I am living proof of miracles being real. Love and light to all x #HaveFaith #Releasenegativity #Howtofeelgood #Wheremiraclesbegin #manifestmiracles #sharingthoughts

  • Discovering my calling!

    I am so fascinated reading back through my own beginnings and here, only 3 months into the shift I discovered my destiny (despite the challenges of working through the releasing!), this was the moment I knew I was going to do what I do now, but honestly, mind blowing that it has evolved and manifested like it has. I have no doubt that my calling has always been there and just waiting for the opportunity to present and have me understand!! 13 October First time in 4 weeks I have had a healing session with Pamela. It felt amazing, I came out of the session feeling so at peace and just wonderful. We worked on a more cellular level today, letting go of past generations so they do not tie me down anymore, working with those feelings of limitlessness and possibilities. Later after the session I am definitely impacted by it. All I feel like doing is zoning and not moving … I remembering to be kind to myself, allow the healing to take place. Wellness will follow. Getting lots of sleep and continuing on track with the food regime, meditation and gentle exercise. Still dreaming loads, very vivid, so many messages. 31 October Think I have hit a proverbial brick wall. I just can’t get to feeling good. What has changed? My self-care regime is in place still, this is very frustrating! 10 November Saw Pamela today, it was incredible. That beautiful feeling of peace that you feel after the energy transference. Interesting session, very powerful. Messages from spirit to draw! I am shown my drawings will help people heal, I love that thought! Discovered my spirit animal guide is a wolf, he will help me as I progress on my own healing journey helping others, yay! An emotional moment in my healing session today as I was regressed to a childhood situation and Pamela helped me release the fear from this, to heal and move forward from it, I was a sobbing mess and it did catch me by surprise. So grateful to those helping me heal, such a beautiful journey rediscovering me. >> Chakra & Energetic Cleanse - Release blocks today << 12 November Still such vivid dreams constantly… Trying to continue on my self-care regime but my body is screaming at me, yoga is not going to happen today, meditation may be better aligned with where I am at at the moment. I am doing better than yesterday when I barely dragged myself off the bed all day. Not feeling discouraged, baby steps and I will get there. 17 November Appointment day! Excellent, I love how I feel after them, and I always feel so creative too, even if they do knock me about a bit. Hoping for a better day, not sure if I am not well, if it is the diet or what but am all over the place at the moment. Jinkies I tell you this getting well thing is a rocky road! Appointment was cancelled .. Never mind 24 November Saw Pamela this morning, she is a most remarkable person. I want to do what she does; I want to help unlock people’s potential to find their true selves. I feel so positive and content and willing in her space, what she says makes so much sense to me. No doubt you have read in quotes and from others that the releasing is messy and uncomfortable but this just goes to show that despite the challenges of letting go the moving forward opens you to such inspiration and hope. It is like the extremes of what will challenge you to your very core but in the end bless you with the greatest gifts ... your authentic truth, purpose and potential. If you you are looking to catch up on previous posts on my journey you can connect to them here: It is getting personal now ... My personal journey - chapter 2

  • My Personal Journey - Chapter 2

    This continues on from last week, if you didn't read that 'my beginnings' post you can connect to it here. It is so interesting reading back and how this 2nd month in on my healing journey I was resonating in such a great place. I took a peak at the following month from this and it fluctuated yet again to a low ... that shift, the change that comes forth and understanding that with energy healing what you receive on the day STARTS to impact but then continues to do so for weeks and even months after as it manifests and forges changes in mind, body and soul. So incredible and even now it never ceases to amaze me! 1 September This week has me seeing some very positive feel good days! Excellent clarity of mind, I felt good inside and out. It is incredible how much you don’t remember on how it SHOULD be when so many years have been spent just making yourself try to think and try to function on some level, any level. The new diet is super tricky, having to completely rewire my brain to think how food should be served and eaten. I am doing ok though and it honestly feels good to be not eating junk, just whole foods and low fat meats. Feeling hungry a lot... I have also attended oneness and meditation group, what a wonderful thing to feed the soul and I feel good. That feeling keeps happening, I like it!! Looking forward to my next session with Pamela to see where that takes us and what spiritual help we will receive. 8 September Not sure if it is the diet or the spiritual healing or if it is treating everything from every direction but I cannot deny that I am feeling like I am on an upward road and that I truly believe that anything at this point is possible! Today's healing with Pamela … the spirits are impressed with my progress (as am I!). My body/spirit/emotions have gone through an upgrade (and we all like upgrades). I need to follow up with someone who is intuitive for massage and reflexology to move the dense/bad energy through the cells and to clear it. I will organise this ASAP, my journey must continue forward, any advice I get I will take and run with to increase every opportunity for wellness. And a message - an Indian spirit, he is huge; he is the mountains and the trees and everything around us. He needs me to go to a river/dam/lake with paper for drawing and writing (very important). Spend hours of the day there, here in this state he can communicate with me. 22 September – leading up to, the time in-between So I sit by the Onka (a local river at that time of my life) amongst the reeds. Am I waiting? If so, for what? I think I need to be at peace before my Indian guide can talk to me but my head won't be quiet. I brought my drawing book but am not really feeling it. I admit it's been nice out here, just listening to the wind, the birds. I took some photos too. It's amazing what you see when you just stop for a couple of hours, so secluded, I mean I can still hear traffic noise but it's easy to switch off and focus on beautiful Mother Nature. It's nice to take a break from life for a few hours. That night I dream, briefly translated that I will persevere through some adversity, start looking at life from a new perspective, replace ideas and habits with new ways of looking at and doing things. >> Chakra & Energetic cleanse - Release blocks today << Saw Ann regarding Intuitive massage and reflexology - 3 days later I find myself completely knocked flat. The burning, the fatigue. I know that was the point, to move the dense energy, but so hard to move. Still feeling very positive about this journey I am on, it feels like I have suddenly connected with myself, giving myself time to be me and heal. This is very good. More meaningful dreams, such vivid dreams and always on par with what is going on. Appointment day with Pamela, looking forward to this. Wondering what it will bring. The following few days finds me good, I have clarity, I feel capable, I have this thought that anything is achievable and the possibilities are all before me. Still dreaming loads, messages coming through loud and clear on the lines of confronting fears, emotions, and messages to lighten up and let go of the problems. Just an observation with this months entries on how important it is to keep a dream diary, to look at and work through what you are being shown. There are a lot of dream dictionaries out there to help understand the symbolism in what seems like nonsense or, alternatively, I can do this for you through a service booking here. We ALL have stuff to work through, it takes courage and perseverance, please, one step at a time, one day at a time. Do what you need to make it happen, healing you will create abundance in life in so many ways that you cannot imagine, back here, when I was working through all of what is written I had NO IDEA that I would be where I am, who I am today. It feels like a completely different reality I am living now! #healingjourney #awakening #overcomingillness #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia

  • It's getting personal now ...

    I was sitting here considering all those just needing/wanting to step into the journey of healing, the courage it takes, the inner strength and the battle you fight with yourself for what you know you need and knowing how to make it happen. I have thought that perhaps sharing my own story, which I have done in part but not like this, would help. This time I am copying and pasting straight from the diary I kept, it is a simple documentation and observations as I worked through my initial energy sessions. This is obviously not something I can give you all at once but if this resonates with you then please watch for continued posts over the following weeks. Step 1 Get brave enough to make a call. Where am I? I am in a place where it is difficult to think, everything is shrouded by an un-explainable fog. My days feel long, painful and without meaning yet there is something inside me that is screaming constantly to get out. I long to be whole, this semi life I am leading feels pointless, I want more … I want it more than anyone can imagine. One day I get brave, I have heard and read things about healing past lives to live better in today. What if there is some remote chance that this is what is going on with me? In my opinion it may be a long shot but it is worth asking, so to the local spiritual shop I went. Some recommendations and some phone calls and I found myself talking to Pamela. I want so badly, I don’t know what I believe, I don’t know what to think but I do know that I want to be functioning on all levels and hence my journey did start. 13 August 2015 - first appointment Akashic records read, relaxation, healing and visualisation on letting go A feeling envelopes me, it is more than peace, more than contentment! Body, mind, spirit – all three must heal mutually to be complete as one. I have come from this day being ready for new beginnings, new open mindfulness and new possibilities. 18 August 2015 I feel tired, but I feel at peace. My head is not arguing with itself and I am not forcing myself to do what ‘should’ be done. I feel happy. A profound experience I had with Pamela, my senses alive, my body tingling, all whilst in the deepest state of relaxation. Pamela performed something like psychic head surgery; strangely enough I had a ripper of a headache yesterday and woke again with it again in the morning. Is this healing, ridding my body of what is no longer needed? I feel my time is coming and the possibilities are there! A week of vivid dreams, is it my mind working overtime or is it messages to better negotiate my life? 25 August 2015 Healing session was intense, body tingling, jarring, head swooning. I just had surgery on my soul, time to rest and recover. 3 days to recover, just rested, slept and lost myself in my drawing. I wasn’t capable of anything more, just kept reminding myself to be open to possibilities, be open to healing; I am feeling better AND to be kind to myself! Still dreaming super vivid dreams, I am waking from them still feeling the emotion. >> RELEASE ENERGY BLOCKS THAT HOLD YOU HOSTAGE TO A LESSER EXISTENCE TODAY << 29 August 2015 My fatigue levels are through the roof at the moment, biding my time, this is all for the greater good. Loving the focus I have for drawing and how it takes my mind off how I am feeling. Pamela is unlocking a whole new world for me and really is helping to unlock new possibilities. I am feeling very grateful that I found her and had the courage to take this step. I had an initial appointment with Carol today, she is a nutritionist. Boy did things change at this point! New diet plan, new way to feed my body. Now we have action on all three fronts … body, mind and soul. Forward motion and progress, I physically feel blah but emotionally feel that I am on the right track for the first time in maybe … ever! So, that was my first month! Even just taking that first step and committing to it, I had no money to spare and had no idea even if spending on this would get me to where I needed to be. I really did take a leap of faith, nothing else had ever worked, the medical practitioners could not help, nobody seemed to know anything .... looking back, I am so appreciative and grateful of this journey and finding my way. I would love to hear thoughts or comments, there is a part of me that feels very vulnerable and unsure in sharing this but on the other hand I feel I was so fortunate that this journey bought me to a place where I could then work with the energy to heal others, what a blessing! I am happy to share my experience, my knowledge and my journey if it will help you, this experience and understanding that awoke something in my soul so profound that I built my business on it! #healingjourney #awakening #overcomingillness #chronicfatigue #fibromyalgia

  • Spirit Animal - Rabbit

    The rabbit is a spirit animal that is connected deeply with the elements of earth and fire, what a brilliant mix to help you excel when aligning to this energy. In drawing the rabbit he came together really easy, I could feel the truth that lay beneath this fluffy little critter that has a massive adorability attribute with it! I remember thinking as I started that surely it was a little inconceivable to bring him to life but he definitely showed me the way without hesitation. So coming back to the fact that the spirit of the Rabbit can help you connect to this elemental energy of earth and fire, what does that exactly mean for you? Basically, when you have a dream, a desire, a wish you want to fulfil. It does not matter how close or far you are to achieving this, it matters not if this is associated with your personal life, professional life, with relationships or just for the joy of wanting ... the spirit of the rabbit with these elements combined will show you the way to get there. It is passion, purpose and inspiration whilst staying grounded and level headed. The spirit of the Rabbit is going to help you create abundance and then multiply that! >> BUY ¦ MESSENGER ANIMALS ORACLE DECK << Working with this energy you can expect to be motivated to 'hop' right to things letting go of procrastination and delays. The Rabbit has a knack of helping you to avoid obstacles and find work arounds easily that will continue to help you get to where you want to be. The spirit of the Rabbit will truly help you resonate in optimistic and positive traits that just naturally align you to a quest to succeed. It is, for such a cute and fluffy little thing, a huge energy of love and light that simply never tires. Being grounded you find that connection to oneness to manifest the thoughts and ideas that create this new reality around you. In short, recapping the rabbit Connects you to conscious thought and oneness Aligns to recognise ideas and how to work around obstacles Motivates helping you to connect to purpose and passion Creates abundance and forges pathways to multiply that If you think the spirit of the Rabbit could help you then do not hesitate to just request his (her) help, do this through conscious thought, through meditation, through recognition of what you want to bring forth and need help with. #messengeranimal #spiritanimal #spiritanimalrabbit #animalguide #abundance #motivation #rabbit #messengeranimalsoracledeck

  • Understanding Ancestral Influences

    Have you ever considered how you fit into your family line? Have you ever thought about the routines you keep, the behaviours your have, thoughts, opinions and attitudes and how authentic they are to you versus what is adopted from your ancestors, from their experiences and learned behaviours and ‘ways’? Have you ever gone deeper to think about illness and genetic issues? Like consider how a person can be born into a family and certain issues are passed down. It is often put down to genetics and the mixing of two peoples genes incorrectly but what if this problem was sourced from something other than just that? Have you ever considered how everyone in your family might pass over into death at a similar age, or from a similar condition? Or a family business that has been passed down and never really thrived? Have you ever thought about the dynamics of how you really thrive and get along with only males or only females? Or perhaps for no particular reason there is just conflict between certain members of your family ... like, where does that even come from, where did it start and was there a source cause for this or has it always just been so? Do you notice patterns in the generational lines in any area? There are REASONS for this, there is a source and if you are prepared to expand your perception, to let go of what you have always been told and shown then you will start to see and understand a whole new world around you. As an energy healer and a psychic medic I work with seeing and understanding the influences of why people are in each other’s lives, why these patterns, illnesses and behaviours present. I connect to be able to energetically work to clear and release the negative ties and cords that bind you to difficult relationships, stagnancy, inability to thrive and push through the challenges to be more. >> RELEASE NEGATIVE KARMIC IMPRINTING HOLDING YOU BACK - BOOK A SESSION TODAY << This, what I do, is so interesting, working not just energetically but physically to release the binds and the mutations in the energy and communication pathways, to evolve through mind, body and soul to manifest situations that create connections to your own higher truth, that which is linked to potential, purpose and passion, to abundance and flow in life. It is a curious thing also, many advertise and feel that they can do ‘a’ session and all will shift. Unfortunately this is not the case. You cannot sugar coat the actuality of the complexity that is your ancestral and soul history, the layers and layers of energy that create your reality in the here and now. To work through this is a journey, it is a commitment and decision that you want to create a new world for yourself, to release from difficult relationships, mind-sets, illness, disease or what-ever it is that is not optimal in your life. I believe that if you can work in a committed fashion through these layers that all can resolve to set you back on a path of mass abundance in all areas of your life. There is no race for this to be done, there is no expectation and I always encourage those that are ready to step into this journey that it is a joint effort. Change comes from awareness, commitment to want to be different, from understanding the influences and then working with the suggestions to allow shift to come forth. Letting go of negative patterning and connecting to beneficial routines and practices. It truly is a remarkable journey, how fast or how slow you want to walk this is up to you. When you are ready to know more you can connect to me, we can work together to find a forward path to the place you can possibly feel and see in your minds eye but cannot align to on your own. That is why I am here to help. Let me be your mentor, your guide, the one that helps you understand, release and move forward from the patterns that bind you and your family today.

  • Spirit Animal - Llama

    >> Relax, kick back and watch the drawing of the Llama here << The spirit of the Llama ... just think 'no drama little llama!' This is so indicative of the Llama energy for when it connects to you it creates a deep resonances with flow, with the alignment to creating the pathways of energy that will transmute drama into clarity, confidence and motivation in the most loving ways. Drawing the Llama this was so apparent for nothing was a bother, the energy here was so lovely to connect to and in turn pen, paper and creation just happened! The energy of the Llama is not to be messed with and will not allow dark energy to create disconnect from the task at hand, you will indeed here find focus to just 'get it done'. Resonating with this energy will help open you to see and evolve into the energy streams that are of love and light, releasing the veils that hide and oppose, the ability to connect with alertness which in turn helps to manifest your reality in whatever way you are working to do so at this time ... in saying that be sure to keep those thoughts optimistic, you can ask the spirit of the Llama to help with mental discipline to continue releasing that which is not beneficial emotionally, intellectually and even (dare I say) egotistically! >> YES PLEASE ¦ MESSENGER ANIMALS ORACLE DECK << You can understand really why people in life just love the Llama, when you are aligned to this energy you do just feel good, that love and light that radiates with them is quite profound and the sense of purpose that comes with that, it is more though than just a sense of purpose but also an ability to expand your intellect, your understanding, your perception of all that is going on around you. This in turn creates motivation and you easily connect to feel the resonance of all you want to get done, who you need to connect to socially, the communication spoken and written that will enlighten to get you to where you need to be. It truly is a flow on effect that starts at the most authentic level and radiates out, like the ripple effect we spoke of last week in our post ... action creating reaction in a positive and progressive way In short what you can expect connecting to the Llama Feeling of ease, of everything just being easy peasy lemon squeezy Being more sure of the path you are on Sense of freedom and all being ok A lightness around you that creates connection to optimism So beautiful! Call on the spirit of the Llama today and embrace the journey that awakens before you. >> Relax, kick back and watch the drawing of the Llama here << #spiritanimal #poweranimal #messengeranimal #llamaspiritanimail #llama #nodramallama #totemanimalllama #llamaenergy #messengeranimalsoracle

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